06 December 2022 | News
With plans to transform the animal testing facility into a Centre of Excellence
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Mumbai-based Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV), a leading biopharmaceutical company in India, has opened a world class animal testing facility and Quality Control (QC) laboratory at the Ambernath manufacturing plant (Maharashtra).
In line with requirements from World Health Organisation (WHO), Pharmacopeia (Indian, United States, British & European), OECD GLP, Central Drug Standards Control Organisation (CDSCO) and State Food & Drug Authority (FDA), the facility houses a team of highly qualified doctorates, veterinarians, biotechnologists, and biologists.
This facility has an Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) appointed by the Committee for the Purpose of Control And Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), Govt. of India which oversees and approves all animal experiment protocols. Only after approvals, animals are bred, and experiments are conducted as per scientific and ethical norms and requirements of national laws.
BSV has also entered into agreements with government approved vendors for safe disposal of biomedical and other waste generated in the Facility as per existing standard environmental laws.