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Ahmedabad-based Eris Lifesciences with Metabolic Health Digest has launched the first edition of the Metabolic Roadinar, an educational travelogue featuring 18 well-known doctors from across the country spread across nine episodes.
The Roadinar has been conceptualised by Dr Rajiv Kovil, diabetologist in Mumbai. The list of 18 doctors who will be a part of this Roadinar includes prominent names such as Dr Ambrish Mithal, Dr Shashank Joshi and Dr Tejas Shah.
The Roadinar features doctors from across cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Pune, Aurangabad, and Kolkata.
The doctors will be seen discussing varied topics ranging from rediscovering liver as the harbinger of diabetes, COVID- Diabetes- Mucor Mycosis- The boomerang effect of the pandemic, and DPP4 inhibitors + Metformin- VERIFYing extraordinary durability among others.