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CORE Diagnostics has announced the launch of two new labs in Delhi and Bengaluru. The Delhi lab in Green Park is fully operational and has been accepting samples across Delhi NCR, and the second diagnostic lab in Richmond Circle, Bengaluru has just started operations.
The new facilities will provide a wide range of tests starting from health packages to launching reproductive testing to high-end molecular testing. Within a year, the company plans to pick up samples from over 300 cities across India and with deeper global expansion planned across Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
In addition to these owned and operated labs, CORE is also expanding through partnerships. They recently partnered with GJ Diagnostics Lab in Ludhiana to expand their presence across Punjab and with the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi on Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) testing.
The Bengaluru lab is the first major investment in South India and will also serve as a digital pathology hub. All samples collected will be scanned, and examined by the pathologists in CORE’s Gurgaon lab and referred to our global panel of organ specialists if necessary.