Swiss firm Livinguard has announced that its technology has been proven effective against the Indian isolate of SARS COV 2 - COVID-19, wild version. The tests were carried out by New Delhi-based National Institute of Immunology (NII) on Livinguard’s face mask fabric.
The detailed results indicate that each layer of the Livinguard mask has an average of > 99 per cent effectiveness against the Indian isolate of SARS CoV-2, the wild strain circulating within our population.
The principle underlying the Livinguard technology is the deactivation of microbes including bacteria and viruses. The technology applies a positive charge at the molecular level to textile surfaces, making them more powerful than the negative charge of microbes. Therefore, microbes are deactivated when they encounter textiles treated with Livinguard Technology.
Textiles treated with Livinguard Technology have also been proven to deactivate viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 by researchers at the Free University Berlin and the University of Arizona. Furthermore, Livinguard Technology is safe for humans and the environment.
The company is now focusing on pivoting its production facility to scale the delivery of its sustainable hygiene technology worldwide.