The Veterinarian
Intervet India is one of the largest MNCs in India dedicated to animal health. It offers a range of products consisting of biologicals, therapeutics and productive hormones.
Intervet India
Business: R&D and manufacturing of veterinary biologicals
CEO: Dr Lino Componovo (MD)
Biotech Revenue: Rs 80.58 crore
Start-up Year: 1997
Address: Intervet House, 33, Pune-Nagar Road, (Behind Eden Gardens), Pune - 411 014
Tel.: +91-20-66050400-01
Fax: +91-20-66050410
Intervet India's sales from biotech stood at Rs 80.58 crore for 2006-07 against last year's turnover of Rs 65.52 crore. Intervet India offers a range of products consisting of biologicals (live stock, companion, poultry live and inactivated), therapeutics (antiprotozoan, antibiotic, ectoparaciticides, endoparaciticides, suppotives), productive hormones to the farming community in the country. Intervet India, a 100 percent subsidiary of Intervet International with its headquarters at Boxmeer, The Netherlands. Functioning from the 1970s, Intervet India is one of the largest MNCs in India dedicated to animal health. It is the result of autonomous growth and subsequent mergers of well known and leading companies like Hoechst Roussel Vet, Intercare and BAIF's animal health division, with a strong focus on the market and its customers.
Intervet India was established in 1997 in Hyderabad with poultry vaccines, canine products and fertility hormones. In 1999, the International merger between HRVet and Intervet International resulted in the merger between HRVet India and Intervet India in the year 2000. In 2004, it shifted its base to Pune and extended its production and supporting operations for the biological segments.
Intervet India has a state-of-the-art factory producing biologicals, specially FMD vaccine located at Wagholi near Pune. Intervet India's facility complies with Indian and International standards such as WHO GMP, ISO 9001, etc. The distribution of Intervet's products takes place through a network of agents ensuring cold chain maintenance and subsequent distribution through 900 distributors. It also exports its products to other countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. It has become a partner in governmental livestock improvement programs e.g. FMD eradication. It has more than 100 technically well-trained field employees, supporting the farmers and veterinarians in disease prevention and livestock improvement.
It has set up an R&D site in Pune for FMD, other veterinary biologicals and pharmaceuticals. Intervet India's operations in Pune are part of Intervet International's network and hence having access to the latest technology and know-how.
Intervet India has entered into a partnership with an NGO, BAIF Development Research Foundation to improve disease management and productivity at rural level, as well as promoting livestock healthcare awareness. The partnership also offers self-employed farmers in remote villages to access to vital veterinary products at a fair price.
Intervet has received 2000-01 AIBA award in the category of biotech industry units, in recognition of the R&D achievements in the promotion of biotechnology in the country.
In 2005, Intervet India signed an in licensing agreement with the National Research Development Corporation, under the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research to commercialize the know-how for the process for Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) vaccine developed by the Indian Veterinary Research Institute. The agreement between NRDC and Intervet will check the PPR disease and prevent large-scale losses.