Biofuel policy gets legislative nod
February 04, 2010 | Thursday | News
much wrangling between vested interests, India has finally negotiated a
national biofuel policy. An industry perspective...
The growth of biofuels around
the globe is spurred largely by energy security and environmental
concerns. A wide range of market mechanisms, incentives and subsidies
have been put in place by several countries to facilitate
biofuel’s growth. Developing countries also view biofuels as
a potential means to stimulate rural development and create employment
The Indian approach to biofuels is somewhat different from the current
international approaches, which could lead to conflict with food
security. Indian approach is solely based on non-food feed stocks to be
raised on degraded or wastelands that are not suitable for agriculture,
thus avoiding a possible conflict of fuel versus food security.
In the context of the international perspectives and national
imperatives, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has
announced the National Policy on Biofuels on December 23, 2009. The
policy, approved by the cabinet envisages development of the next
generation of more efficient biofuel conversion technologies based on
new feed stocks. It sets out the vision, medium term goals, strategy
and approach to biofuel development, and proposes a framework of
technological, financial and institutional interventions and enabling
The goal of the policy is to ensure that a minimum level of biofuels
become readily available in the market to meet the demand at any given
time. An indicative target of 20 percent blending of biofuels, both for
bio-diesel and bio-ethanol, by 2017 is proposed. Blending levels
prescribed in regard to bio-diesel are intended to be recommendatory in
the near term.
The policy document focuses on multi-sphere development both at the
national and state level by promoting the biofuel plantation and
processing. Business houses and corporates shall find the policy
favorable in most of the aspects and the industry as such shall face a
positive transformation by having a clear policy in hand to operate. CS
Jadhav, director — marketing, Nandan Biomatrix,
Hyderabad, says,“One vital aspect is that the policy document
addresses all the issues across the entire value chain from feed stock
research to marketing of the end fuel. Broadly, the indicative targets
of 20 percent blending, community development through energy
plantations, incentivizing the operations across the value chain, and
regulating the marketing and distribution of the biofuels, offer a
level playing field for all the stakeholders involved.”
Analyzing the policy component wise, a major thrust is given through
this policy to innovation, research and development, and demonstration
in the field of biofuels. R&D will focus on plantations,
biofuel processing and production technologies, also on maximizing
efficiencies of different end-use applications and utilization of
by-products. High priority will be accorded to indigenous R&D
and technology development based on local feed stocks and needs, which
would be benchmarked with international efforts and patents would be
registered, wherever possible.
Securing quality feed stock in right quantities is the biggest
challenge for the bio-diesel processors in India. The policy encourages
contract farming in the degraded/forest/non-forest lands involving
farmers/landless laborers. Also, the most encouraging clause is that
the employment wages in jatropha plantations are linked to the NREGP.
Financing of biofuel plantation and processing being categorized as
priority sector by the financial institutions and banks is again a
positive section.
Import-export regulations in the policy protect the interests of the
domestic players by putting appropriate checks on the imports of
bio-diesel. These shall trigger huge growth in the domestic plantation
development and processing since the import of free fatty acids for
bio-diesel production is not allowed.
With a huge capital outlay and uncertainties on the pricing of the end
product, the industry is less operational and also the new entrants do
not find the segment lucrative. Infrastructure development facilitation
across the entire value chain, encouraging innovative and
cost-effective technologies, 100 percent foreign equity in the real
assets of technologies and projects, and tax sops for import of
required processing machinery shall boost the industry by attracting
new entrepreneurs. Moreover, MPP of bio-diesel is linked to the retail
price of the diesel and the price fluctuations do not have any bearing
on the processors and is compensated by the government to the OMC. Such
policy initiatives make the projects financially more viable and
overall industry shall be foreseen to be well-established and healthy.
According to CS Bhaskar, MD, Naturol Bioenergy, Hyderabad, the pricing
benchmark proposed by the government is appropriate and anything more
than that would not be possible. However, he notes that the policy
still lacks clarity on percentage blend for bio-diesel. He shares,
“In the long-term, the biggest challenge for this industry
may be the ability of the feed stock supply to keep up with growing
demand. The supply of soybeans, rapeseeds and other feed
stocks available for bio-diesel production will be limited by
competition from other uses and land constraints.”
He suggests that the key to the future of biodiesel is finding
inexpensive feed stocks that can be imported from other countries. And
once the domestic market gets stabilized, government can look at
putting cap on imports.
Overall, the policy has kept the bars low for the industrialists and
corporate houses, thus widening the scope and promoting biofuel
projects in the country. Though the policy has given a direction to the
industrialists, there are few concern areas still to be addressed by
the policy makers and the committees constituted. Clarity on the MSP of
jatropha seeds and also the MPP of bio-diesel shall assist the players
in planning their projects, assessing financial feasibility and
ultimately to commercialize the industry as such.
policy at a glance
- Corporates are encouraged to
take up contract farming through minimum support price (MSP) mechanism
- Plantations are encouraged
in government/community wasteland, degraded or fallow land in forest
and non-forest areas – gives clarity on forest lands being
used for bio-diesel plantations
- Employment provided in the
plantations will be made eligible for coverage under the National Rural
Employment Guarantee Program (NREGP)
- The minimum purchase price
(MPP) for bio-diesel by the pil marketing companies(OMCs) will be
linked to the prevailing retail diesel price. In the event of diesel or
petrol price falling below the MPP for bio-diesel and bio-ethanol, OMCs
will be duly compensated by the government - MPP is linked to MRP of
the diesel, this would be the top line figures purely based on
production. Market price fluctuations do not affect bio-diesel
producers at all
- Plantations and also the
entire processing infrastructure are financed under priority sector for
the purposes of lending by financial institutions and banks. Hence it
is easy to source funds
- Thrust on R&D and
innovative second generation technologies by promoting demo projects
through public-private partnership (PPP)
- The 100 percent FDI in
technologies and projects, provided the fuel is for domestic use
– Since the companies do not have much choice on export, this
statement shall be taken as 100 percent FDI being allowed
- Protection of interests of
domestic players by putting checks on import of biofuels and banning
the import of free fatty acid (FFA) for production of bio-diesel
- Analyzing the
techno-economic viability of 400 species of tree bearing oilseeds
(TBOs), production and distribution of plantlets by nurseries of
certified institutions/ organizations identified by the state
governments – Does this mean that companies approach the
state governments and get their NPCs certified/ recognized? —
- The responsibility of
storage, distribution and marketing of biofuels would rest with OMCs
— No other option other than to sell biofuels to OMCs
- Export of bio-diesel is not
allowed until the domestic blending requirements are fulfilled
— India can lose out on the huge demand in European
Countries? If crude jatropha oil (CJO) is exempted from the definition
of biofuels, it will benefit the industry
so clear shots:
- Lack of clarity in the very
definition of biofuels — whether CJO is a part or not
- MSP will be decided in due
course of time
- SMP mechanism similar to
sugarcane shall also be considered — Current statutory
minimum price (SMP) mechanism and the state advised price (SAP) for a
commercial crop like sugarcane works in India since the processors
/mill owners have their profits based on byproducts and their
processing units like distilleries
- If the same pricing formula
is adopted by the steering committee for biofuels, should the
processors focus on marketing of byproducts/go for downstream
processing? One more catch is that the policy does not make a mention
on the marketing of the seed cake/glycerin
- MPP linked to retail price
of diesel — is it linked directly? Are there any other
factors considered? If the retail price of diesel becomes lesser than
the per liter cost of production of bio-diesel, will the processor be
compensated? Why the normal/basic cost plus pricing was not considered?