Nanobio garments for wellness
January 13, 2010 | Wednesday | News
Nanobio garments for wellness

These garments have anti-microbial, anti-allergic and
moisture-retaining capacity and will be beneficial in case of
infections and allergies. New-Delhi based Advantage Organic Natural
Technologies is exploring the concept for the first time in India under
the brand name Joy of Life and has obtained patent for the product.
Imagine, the clothes you wear are not only comfortable but also have
healing and medicinal properties, thus providing a combination of
comfort as well as wellness. Your imagination can now become a reality
as 'Meditek' garments, a joint venture of Advantage Organic Natural
Technologies (AONTL) and textile technologists from IIT, New Delhi,
will soon hit the market.
Explaining the concept of ‘Meditek’ garments, Rajiv
Rai Sachdev, managing director, AONTL, says, “These are 100
percent organic/ natural garments with wellness properties. The
garments are coated with various herbs with medicinal and aromatic
properties, healing crystals and natural bioengineering
During heavy work-out, we generally perspire leading to the opening of
pores, thus making us prone to external microbes. So, what can be the
solution? The answer is the clothes made from chemically treated fabric
that can purge the dirt.
“These garments will be very beneficial in case of infections
or allergies, and even otherwise as they have antimicrobial,
anti-allergic and moisture retaining capacity. AONTL, under the brand
name Joy of Life, is exploring the concept for the first time in India
and has obtained patent for the product,” adds Sachdev.
AONTL is setting up 'Meditek' garments manufacturing unit at Kandaghat
in Solan district, Himachal Pradesh.
“The project has been approved under single window clearance
policy of the state government and 16,000 sq.m. of land has been
allotted. Construction work is going on and the facility is likely to
start the production soon. “Until the company’s
unit is complete, the products prototypes will be developed using other
existing manufacturing processing units taken on lease and
hire basis,” reveals Sachdev.
“AONTL has inbuilt clean development mechanisms that are 100
percent natural, eco-friendly, saves water, electricity and energy
vis-a-vis conventional textile processing methods, and will earn carbon
credits for the same,” says Sachdev.
Fusing technology with
Some of the most renowned textile technologists of India, from the
Department of Textile Technology, IIT, New Delhi, having vast
experience in similar technological fields will jointly set-up a
research facility in IIT, New Delhi, for enhanced research in similar
technology applications. The outcome of the research, be it in the form
of technology or products will be marketed by AONTL and the Department
of Biotechnology (DBT) will be the funding agency.
The clothes will be coated with nanosilver particles, natural
anti-microbials like chitosan, aloe vera and lemon green including
healing crystals.
Speaking about the nature of collaboration of IIT, New Delhi, with
Advantage Organic, Dr ML Gulrajani from of the Department of Textile
Technology, IIT, New Delhi, says, “The company has been
incubated at IIT, New Delhi, which provides various technological
assistance to the company to ensure perfection at the pilot scale and
will subsequently scaleup for regular production. IIT will provide the
technologies and other technical support in setting up the production
facility and marketing activities.” On the use of the
nanotechnological and biotechnological applications and their
utilization in making the final product of Advantage Organic, Dr
Gulrajani says, “Various combinations of bio and
nanotechnologies with wellness properties are being used in the
production of garments.”
Further speaking on the nanotechnological applications in textiles, Dr
Gulrajani says, “Nano-silver is also finding considerable use
in the treatment of textile products like socks to make them odorless
that inturn demands less frequent washing thereby making them more
sustainable. A combination of nano-silver and chitosan will make it an
effective value-added multi-functional finish.”
“The nano-silver when in contact with bacteria and fungus
will adversely affect cellular metabolism and inhibit cell growth. The
nano-silver suppresses respiration, basal metabolism of electron
transfer system, and transport of substrate in the microbial cell
membrane. The nano-silver inhibits multiplication and growth of those
bacteria and fungi which cause infection, odour, itchiness and
sores.” Dr Gulrajani adds.
The range of Meditek garments that will be launched soon include yoga
wear, hospital clothing and kids wear.
of AONTL in IIT, New Delhi
- Optimization of enzyme processing of textiles.
- Establishing procedures for extraction and application of
herbal dyes with known medicinal properties.
- Effect of enzyme finishing on the herbal dyed textile
- Development and application of special nano finishes based
on natural ion generating minerals having healing properties.
- Formulation and application of finishes based on complexes
of natural bio-molecules such as chitosan and sericin with silver
- Evaluation of anti-microbial activity of natural plant
extracts on textile substrates, such as aloe vera and lemon grass oil.
- Micro-encapsulation of natural herbal oils with natural
polymers and their application on textiles.
applications in developing wellness products
- Processes for the scouring of organic cotton yarns and
garments at pilot scale with enzymes namely, pactinases, cutinases and
combination of these enzymes with lipases.
- Technology for the production of purified natural herbal
extracts (colorants) using membrane filtration and spray drying.
- Processes for application of purified natural herbal
colorant extracts to cotton yarns and garments in a pilot processing
plant to get uniformly dyed products.
- Standardization of the bio-finishing processes for natural
dyed garments with various types of cellulases having different
proportions of endoglucanases with minimum cellobiohydrolase activity.
- Technology for production, formulation and application of
finishes based on complexes of natural bio-molecules such as chitosan
and sericin with silver nano-particles. Application of finishes based
on complexes of natural bio-molecules such as chitosan is a natural
polymer available as by-products. The polymers can act as handle
modifiers with added properties as anti-microbial, UV protection and
cell rejuvenation.
- Technology for production, formulation and application of
finishes based on natural plant extracts on textile substrate such as
aloe vera, lemon grass, and neem. Currently, most of the anti-microbial
agents used in textile industry are synthetic products such as
Triclosan 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichloro phenoxy)– phenol, Aegis
Microbe Shield (3-trimethoxysilyal- propyl-octadecyl-ammonium
chloride), Purista poly (hexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride) etc.
- Technology for the production of nano-particles of ion
generating minerals such as tourmaline, Himalayan rock and quartz and
the application of these on garments so as to get durable negative ion
generating finishes. Application of special nano-finishes based on
natural ion generating minerals having healing properties. The company
is proposed to develop and evaluate textile finishes based on
nano-particles of pyroelectric tourmaline, quartz, Himalayan salt rock
and other such minerals. The finish will be developed by embedding the
nano-particles of tourmaline in a polymer emulsion that will be used as
- Processes for micro-encapsulation of natural herbal
fragrances and other functional molecules in natural bio-polymers and
their cross-linking with cotton garments.
Rahul Koul in New Delhi