"I left my job in the US and returned to India to do something"
April 12, 2011 | Tuesday | News
Dr. Shama Bhat,
founder, chairman and managing director

The urge of doing something different than working as a professor or a
scientist made Dr Bhat come to India and give wings to his
entrepreneurial dreams.
The thought of returning to India came into Dr Bhat's mind when he
along with his wife Ms Susheela attended an AIDS conference in New
Delhi in 1993. After having spent nearly 17 years in the US at
University of Pennsylvania, it was not an easy decision for them.
However, being aware that the diagnostic kits for the detection of HIV
were unavailable in India at that time, Dr Bhat felt it was the best
time to start a company for manufacturing diagnostic kits for HIV and
other diseases.
After discussing about this venture with two of his close friends, Dr
Ramesh Bhat and Dr Krishna Bhat, he received their whole-hearted
support. He went ahead and set up Bhat Bio-Tech India in 1994. Since he
was working in the field of HIV, making diagnostic kits for HIV
detection was not difficult. By the time he came to India he had these
kits almost ready to be manufactured.
As the promoter of Bhat Bio-Tech, Dr Bhat has leveraged his 35 years of
experience in R&D and manufacturing in the biotechnology area, to
conceive this enterprise. An alumnus of Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, trained at the
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, US, Dr Bhat worked
as the faculty at the Neurology Department, University of Pennsylvania,
US, from 1983 to 1994. His discovery of Galactosyl Ceramide, as an
alternative receptor for HIV in neural cells, won him both universal
acclaim as well as the undivided attention of global scientific
circles. He has over 40 publications to his credit and is a recipient
of the prestigious Ranbaxy Award.
According to Dr Bhat, the journey of Bhat Bio-Tech was bumpy in the
beginning. After his return to India, he found it difficult to adjust
himself to the bureaucratic set up after being in the US for more than
16 years.
Narrating the same, he says, “They blindly told me that, you may have
good credentials and experience but for the paper work we need a
collaboration from abroad, which will help in approving the loan
immediately. I was shocked and had to argue with the authorities that I
left a lucrative job in the US and returned to my homeland to do
something and I'm ready to take the risk. I realized that the local
authorities give much importance to the papers from abroad instead of
evaluating how much our own people can do. Finally, the loan was
sanctioned and Bhat Bio-Tech was set up in 1994.”
Bhat Bio-Tech started with pregnancy test kit in 1996 and today, it has
more than 100 kits for diagnosis of many diseases and conditions. The
company that started with a handful of people, today under the
leadership of Dr Bhat has more than 200 working people and more than
300 people benefited indirectly. In response to the recent epidemic of
chikungunya and swine flu, Bhat Bio-Tech worked round-the-clock to
bring out the diagnostic kit for chikungunya in about six months time.
Similarly, when H1N1 was a national health threat, the company worked
hard to bring a molecular level detection kit in record time, now
waiting for the license from the drug authorities.
At present, Bhat Bio-Tech is working on molecular diagnostics,
pharmacogenomics, lab-on-a-chip for several parameters, diagnostics for
veterinary, agriculture and food safety. The company is focusing on
both protein-based and molecular biological methods for the development
of diagnostic kits. Dr Bhat believes that despite pharmacogenomics, the
so-called personal medicine, the major hospitals and big diagnostic
centers will continue to use the automated machines for the diagnosis.
Rahul Koul in New Delhi