Knowledge-specific teaching system
August 05, 2010 | Thursday | News
Guru Govind Singh Indraprasta University
School of Biotechnology
Name of the Department: University School of Biotechnology
Courses: BTech, MTech and PhD in biotechnology
Coordinator: Prof Rajinder K Gupta
Address: University School of Biotechnology, Kashmere Gate, New Delhi-110403
Tel: +91-11-28311539
Fax: +91-11-23865941
USBT functions with a mission of generating world-class manpower and knowledge-base
for biotech education, research and development
Right from 1999-2004, the University School of Biotechnology (USBT) offered an integrated BTech/MTech course and PhD
program. From the academic year 2004-05 onwards, the MTech program has been delinked from BTech program and the two
programs are being offered under dual degree program. Admission is strictly through an All India Common Entrance Test.
The vision of USBT has been to impart learner-oriented education, research, demonstration and dissemination of knowledge
to the needs of a sustainable society.
Considering the demands of training and research in the post genomic era, USBT plans to actively pursue projects and
collaborative programs in plant/animal/microbial functional genomics, stem cell biology and industrial biotechnology.
Advanced contemporary research is an important activity of the USBT that has led to the publishing of 200 research
papers in last seven years. At present there are 25 students pursuing PhD under the guidance of faculty members.
USBT's research areas covers various disciplines of biotech such as plant biotechnology, structural and functional
genomics and proteomics, microbial and plant-based bioactives, biotic and abiotic stress signaling, development
and metabolic regulation, animal biotechnology, immunology and molecular biology of human pathogens and disease,
microbial biotechnology, food biotechnology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, and biosensors and bioinformatics.
The students' profile at the department reflects its national character in terms of various regions, communities
and gender. After completing BTech/MTech course, majority of students opt for PhD in leading research institutes
in India and abroad. Some students successfully combine biotech course with MBA program.
Faculty members of the USBT are PhD holders from top institutions in India and abroad and represent diverse areas
such as genomics, bioinformatics, agricultural biotechnology, biomedical research, pharmaceutical biotechnology,
environmental biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as IPR, biosafety, bioethics and management
issues. The faculties orient and update themselves frequently by attending refresher/orientation courses and
participating in other prominent national and international conferences. Two faculty members have been conferred
with the Best Teacher Award of the university for consecutive years.