Budget 2010: High Expectations
January 13, 2010 | Wednesday | News
Budget 2010: High Expectations
The finance ministry has
warned the industries not to expect any major
sops in the coming budget which will be presented by the government in
February 2010. Last year, the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee missed
an excellent opportunity to provide fiscal stimulus to the life
sciences industry in the Union Budget 2009. But the forthcoming Budget
2010 is yet another opportunity to push the healthcare sector into a
higher growth trajectory.
Despite major boosters like the removal of surcharge on personal income
tax, enhanced group specific exemptions and abolition of fringe benefit
tax (FBT), Budget 2009, gave a lukewarm benefits to all and failed to
make any long-lasting impression in the pharmabiotech industry.
The UPA-II’s first budget presented on July 6, 2009, could
not sweep the business sector at large, and like other markets, the
life sciences industry too looked disappointed. But the forthcoming
Budget 2010 is yet another opportunity to push the healthcare sector
into a higher growth trajectory. Research and innovation can play a
crucial role in achieving this goal if the government provides ample
rewards and recognition. And this requires long-term tax breaks
extending well into the next decade.
BioSpectrum takes a first person account on how the Union Budget 2010
should be.
of more tax holidays
Dr Bhuwnesh Agarwal, chairman and MD of Roche Diagnostics, says,
“Tax holidays must be given to pharma biotechnology and
medical devices companies. Custom duties on the import of raw materials
for life saving formulations and drug manufacture must be abolished.
Such measures will benefit millions in India who suffer from
cardiovascular and kidney ailments, diabetes, cancer, asthma as well as
other chronic diseases. Fiscal stimulus will make sure healthcare costs
in India are within the reach of the common people. High on
expectations, low on delivery is how I would describe the 2009-10
budget. Reduction of customs duty from 10 percent to five percent on a
few life saving drugs, vaccines and bulk drugs was a welcome move,
though not good enough. Abolishing fringe benefit tax was a sensible
move, as it was a nuisance for everyone and barely augmented
According to him, MAT (minimum alternate tax) hike from 10 to 15
percent — the effective rate with surcharges being 17 percent
— was a dampener. Foreign companies with a permanent presence
in India will now have a higher tax outflow on book profits, adding to
the overall disincentives. An ill-timed hike, since this was supposedly
a stimulus budget.
"Government should relax the custom duty and also more sops should be
there for the life sciences industry. Some of the products imported in
India for use in research are unique and they should be provided
exemption from the taxes," says Neeraj Gupta, director, sales and
marketing, Imperial Life Sciences.
He maintains that the government must change the existing institutional
funding policy. Seasonal funding to the institutes needs to be replaced
by funding for the whole year. That would help in reducing the wastages
as the institutes do not have to pay taxes time and again while
purchasing the research products from biosuppliers.
"CROs in India are getting affected by the medical taxes leveled on
them. This will ultimately benefit the Chinese CROs who do not have to
pay any such tax and thus, affecting the overall clinical research
business and thus shooing away the potential clients," Gupta adds.
duties must be equated
Import duties to be equated for government and non-government
institutes for all life sciences products used in research, feels
Praveen Gupta, vice-president-business development, Premas Biotech.
He says, “Provisions for creation of supply centers at key
institutes for stocking consumables at equated duties. Export shipments
to be simplified.”
Looking at the grim recessive period for exports, Praveen maintains
that the time lines for biotech export obligations for EOU should be
extended, and setting up of a nodal government agency to push Indian IP
technologies from biotech SME to VC, biotech and larger pharma
companies worldwide.
According to Dr Rita Karia, CEO and president, CliniRx,
“Government needs to support this potential sector at par
with the IT Industry. The tax benefits from the government are crucial
to motivate the client and grow this business. So, we expect the
government to provide tax incentives for CROs.”
incentives for better healthcare
There are some who feel that in order to help the biotechnology
research and development (R&D) in the country, government
should give further incentives and help promote innovative ways of
using biotechnology for better healthcare, and sustainable green
Dr Gopal Dasika, senior vice-president, R&D, Actis Biologics,
says, “One of the needs of our industry is good, well-trained
scientists. We have many good schools and institutes for training
students through undergraduate level, and very few for higher studies
in life sciences. Therefore, providing incentives to global leaders in
the area of higher education to set-up universities in India would
reduce brain drain from India and vastly improve the quality of
R&D in our country. The culture of science and innovation would
then become
commonplace in our biotech and pharma companies.”
According to Dipta Chaudhury, program manager - South Asia and Middle
East, Pharma and Biotech Practice, Frost & Sullivan, the
Central government has initiated and sustained healthcare reforms for
rural and the urban - rural population through its past few budgets.
While these initiatives are improving healthcare reach for the vast
majority of the poor population directly, large corporates are focusing
on tier I cities.
“There is a need to create initiatives on a Central
government level to spur private participation for tier II and tier III
cities to ensure sustainable healthcare through all classes of society
in India. Also, while tax sops for healthcare infrastructure has been a
boon, further benefits for medical devices and for quality medical
education would really help spur industry growth," says Chaudhury.
Muralidharan Nair, partner - Life Sciences Advisory Practice, Ernst
& Young, says, “Biotech is an area which will have an
increasing share of global pharmaceuticals and China and Korea have
significantly higher capability than us in this area. While we are
already delayed, we should do our best to promote this with dedicated
biotech fund for assisting new drug and biosimilars.”
Dharmesh Panchal, senior director of Deloitte, who leads life science
and healthcare division is of the opinion that the pharma industry has
shown robust growth in the recent years. The global pharmaceutical
companies see India not only as an enormous domestic market but also as
a sourcing base for generic drugs, bulk drugs and contract research
services. India has various advantages to offer such as low cost base
and availability of skilled man power.
According to Panchal, the expectations of pharma industry from the
Budget 2010-11 are towards measures to improve its competitiveness.
Listing a few, he maintains that pharma industry expects harmonization
of the excise duty rate on active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and
finished formulations.
As a result of the fiscal stimulus, the excise duty rate on
formulations was reduced to 4.12 percent whereas API continued to be
taxed at 8.24 percent. Due to this inverted duty structure,
pharmaceutical manufacturers have accumulated cenvat credit in the
absence of a refund mechanism. Further, the exemption from customs
duties should be granted to diagnostic equipments such as glucometer
for diabetes.
“The introduction of the GST is the biggest fiscal reform
post-liberalization of the Indian economy. GST will significantly
impact the supply chain and businesses of pharma companies. Government
must provide a clear road map for the introduction of GST to enable the
pharma industry to prepare for transition. It is expected that in GST
regime, life saving drugs would be exempted and medical devices would
be subject to lower
band of GST rates,” he adds.
The industry also looks forward to capital as well as profit-based
incentives to boost the overall capital base of the companies. The
income tax holiday under Section 80IB (8) in respect of profits from
R&D activities, should be re-instated to encourage the contract
research services. The extension of Section 35 [2AB] to MAT calculation
would also be a major relief to the R&D activities in their
gestation stage. Income tax holiday should also be extended to clinical
trial ctivities to make India an attractive outsourcing destination for
to agri-biotech/seed industry
From the nearest budget, Dr Govind Garg, director of R&D,
Krishidhan Seeds, expects that while allocating budget, there should be
tax exemption for seeds production and processing. Indian agriculture
needs constant growth, not only to feed the ever increasing population
but also to show resilience in the face of climatic uncertainties.
Introduction of Bt cotton,besides increasing the cotton production and
bringing buoyancy in textile market, has significantly increased the
seeds replacement which has risen from three percent to 15 percent in
the last six to seven years. Today, farmers make no distinction between
seeds from private and public sectors as they prefer to buy which ever
performs better irrespective of the cost.
Dr Garg says, “I would consider this as a very positive
scenario and if our Finance Minister is serious about assisting the
country in achieving envisaged growth of six percent in agriculture, he
should give very fresh thought and thrust to policies and support to
seed industry with grants and tax concessions.”
He suggests that there should be an exemption from income and service
tax as the seed industry gets large quantities of seed produced through
contract farming with farmers across the states and land holding
spectrum. This activity is genuinely an agricultural activity except
that it is done on farmer’s field either through lease or
contract farming.
“I feel there is enough merit that at least for the next five
years the income from seeds production and processing should be
exempted from both income tax and service tax. All the resources should
be diverted to support basic research so that scientists can
concentrate on discovery and research to improve productivity. The seed
industry which now is realizing the importance of research and
development should be encouraged to evolve commercial varieties and
hybrids based on the discoveries made in universities and ICAR
institutions. It should be encouraged further through concessions in
taxes, additional support through public private partnership schemes
and rewards based on the excellence of performances of their
product,” he says.
He also feels that there should be an independent seed performance
evaluation. Dr Garg says, “There is a need for development of
an autonomous authority for independent evaluation with
independent infrastructure for genotypes developed by public and
private sectors. This will facilitate the recognition of genuine
products developed by both public and private sectors without any bias.
This is absolutely essential if the varieties and hybrids of private
sector, which also are national property, be protected under
“The present system in my opinion suffers from a
contradiction as ICAR and SAU System are both regulators and product
developers. Private sector has limited access to AICIP testing system
that too, only for hybrids. This prevents them from getting the
varieties and hybrids released through normal channels where such
testing is essential. The separation of two functions will not only
increase the quality of product but will also ensure that only good
products reach farmers. There is a need to make proposal for
establishment of such an autonomous authority and make budgetary
provision for the same,” Dr Garg suggests.
Dr KK Narayanan, managing director of Metahelix Life Sciences, along
with the members of the special interest group on agricultural
biotechnology of ABLE, are of the opinion that it is a well established
fact that the agribiotechnology would be playing a key role in
enhancing the crop productivity. The group feels that there must be
some concessional funding for infrastructure development, concessions
on cost of deregulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) of
national importance and service tax, VAT and tax holiday for
agribiotech seed industry.
“To avoid litigation and to remove any ambiguity, where the
seed companies are engaged in growing the seeds with the aid of farmers
where the produce belongs to the seed companies and no risk whatsoever
is taken by the farmers, the income thereon should be treated as
agricultural income eligible for exemption under section 10(1) of the
Income tax Act, 1961. The Central Board of Direct Taxes should issue
unambiguous clarification in this regard and treatment of seed industry
income as agricultural income,” Dr Narayanan adds.
However, there are some who expects the least from the nearest budget.
“To be honest, I do not have any expectations. The finance
ministry has lot of demands and priorities, and politics/ politicians
always see what is most beneficial for the 'masses',” says CL
Rathi, managing director, Advanced Enzymes.
“Biotechnology and enzyme industry is not a key agenda for
them, and second generation biofuel is yet to take off even in
developed world and we are yet to catch up. On taxation front, the new
bill is nder consideration which is too broad based. Hence, I do not
see any thing specific coming our way,” he adds.
What may come, February 2010 is a month to be watched, and the
deliberations by the Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee is to be
Nayantara Som (Mumbai),
Rahul Koul (New Delhi) and Ajeesh Anand (Bangalore)