Technologies transferred / launched during 2003-2005

October 11, 2005 | Tuesday | News

Bioresearch ramps up in public labs
Technologies transferred / launched during 2003-2005
Title of the technology Institute where developed Technology transferred to
Mycorrhiza biofertilizer mass TERI, New Delhi M/s SHEEL Bio-tech, New Delhi
production technology
Technology for production of high CFTRI, Mysore
protein biscuits
A polyclonal antibody-based 1. Centre for Biotechnology, Poseidon Biotech, Chennai- an
immunodiagnostic Anna University and 2. C. Abdul aquaculture-based company.
assay for the detection of white Hakeem College,
spot syndrome virus - a simple Melvishram
diagnostic test kit  
The technology for NEERI, Nagpur The pilot plant commissionedat
biological deodorization of gaseous Jubilant Organosys Ltd., Gajraula.
effluents has been demonstrated
at pilot plant level.
DNA/MVA based HIV-I Subtype AIIMS, New Delhi Under negotiation for transfer to
'C' candidate vaccine PanaceaBiotec Ltd., New Delhi
Farmer level monoclonal antibody College of Fisheries, UAS Mangalore Being transferred to GenexBiotech, Goa
based kit for the detection of white forcommercialization.
spot shrimp virus
Microbial desulphurisation of NEERI, Nagpur Vam Organics Chemical Ltd.,UP
fossil fuels and biogas
Technologies for nutritional CFTRI, Mysore Suresh Exports, Bangalore;Mysore
enrichment – A large-scale Chikbidarkal Farms, Bangalore;
production of oyster mushrooms Growtech Agro (I) Ltd.,Hyderabad;
KarnatakaHorticulture Dept.,
Mysore;GAMS & Sons Industries,
Burdwan, West Bengal;Mizoram
Mushroom ProductionUnit, Mizoram;
MushroomCanning Unit, Ahmednagar
Technologies for nutritional CFTRI, Mysore Best Bilt Bio-techMysore Ltd.,
enrichment – Spirulina as Nanjangud; ShamalAgrotech Pvt Ltd.,
nutrient supplement Jalgaon;Wonder Herbs Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal
Tissue culture protocol of Kerala Agricultural University, Growmore Biotech, Hosur
black pepper Thrissur
Technology /Processes for the NII, New Delhi Panacea Biotech Ltd.,New Delhi Lalru,
production of tissue culture derived, Punjab
formalin inactivatedJapanese
Encephalitiscandidate vaccine  
An ELISA test system to detect JEV Jointly by NIMHANS, Bangalore; KGMC, M/s XCyton Diagnostics Ltd.,Bangalore
IgM antibodies in CSF of patients Lucknow and NII, New Delhi
Multi-epitope protein-based ICGEB Tulip Group of Cos.,
HCV detection
Biopesticidal formulation ICGEB Nirmal Organo Biotech

Technology transfer

Mass production technologies of several biocontrol agents/biopesticides have been developed and standardized. Fermentation based mass production technology of Trichoderma viride, has been transferred to Prathista Industries Ltd in Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh. Myrothecium verrucaria, a potential biopesiticides developed through a collaborative project implemented at NCL, Pune and RRL, Jammu is being up scaled and fine tuned for commercialization. The toxicological data is being generated and negotiations are being made for the technology transfer to the industry.

The commercial viability of Beauvaria bassiana and Verticilium lecanii as a potential biopesticides against tea pest is being pursued at AAU, Assam. Mechanized system for mass production/ rearing has been developed for Trichogramma and Cocyra cephaoinca at IARI, New Delhi and technology is ready for transfer. At AMU, Aligarh, the powder formulation of Trichoderma harzaniam, Pochonia clamidosporia, Pseudomonas fluorescence have been developed, field-tested and techno-economic feasibility has been established. The culture protocols for large-scale production of the algae Dunaliella salina and D. bardawil have been developed and methods have been standardized for isolation of stable and high quality b-carotene. The protocol is ready for transfer to the

Food Biotechnology

AIIMS, New Delhi; NDRI Karnal; RRL Jammu; CFTRI, Mysore; and ITRC Lucknow are developing rapid PCR diagnostic kits for the detection of various food borne pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella and Shigella spp. At CFTRI, Mysore, efforts are on for the technology transfer of high protein biscuits containing 14 percent protein with high protein digestibility. The validation of PCR and ELISA assays developed to detect transgenic traits in genetically modified foods is being carried out in five research laboratories and the process for production of astaxanthin from green alga Haematococcus pluvialis has been perfected.

This is just a representative snapshot of the research activity is happening in the Indian public laboratories. With the right thrust, regulatory and policy support and infrastructure facilities the number of technologies emerging from the Indian labs could increase multifold and the resulting products would have a lasting impact on the people.

Rolly Dureha




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