The Indian Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology and Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation are looking for proposals from the Indian and Brazilian universities, research centres, institutions and industries, to submit joint proposals for scientific and technological R&D translational projects in the area of biotechnology. This call for proposals lies within the "Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation" between the Indian and Brazilian governments, that concluded on March 30, 2012 in New Delhi.
The objective is to broaden and deepen cooperation in science and technology in the field of biotechnology; to encourage industrial research and development and related investment flows, bilaterally and or regionally in the field of Biotechnology and to promote transparency through exchange of information and cooperation among relevant institutions. In the area of biotechnology, the research areas given priority in the present call for proposal include biomedicine and health such as diseases like Malaria, Filariasis, Leishmaniasis, and neglected diseases. Among the other areas that will be prioritized include the biotech products such as vaccines, Kits, serum against venom and the scale up processes for biologics. The agriculture especially sugarcane and citrus and bioenergy too will be given due attention.
The duration of each project will be three years (36 months). The principal investigators from universities and research institutions of each side who fulfill national eligibility rules for research grant application are eligible to apply. Both from Indian as well as Brazilian side, the researchers from the private industry may participate in the joint collaboration only as member of the project having principal investigator from the academia. The last date for sending the proposals in July 22, 2013.