Global nanotech market to be worth $1.6 tn by 2013
January 04, 2011 | Tuesday | News
The global nanotechnology industry is worth $300 billion and by
2013 the global market for nanotechnology-based manufacturing
goods will be worth $1.6 trillion. It is estimated that in the next 30
the industry will be worth $35,000 billion. It is high time for India
to venture into this booming sector. There is a need to integrate the
excellence of industry, academia and research institutes, with the
backing of government funding.
Mr Ashok Kumar Manoli, principal secretary to government, Department of
Information Technology, Biotechnology, and Science & Technology,
Karnataka, said, “Nanotechnology is one of the most exciting areas of
research. It is understood to be the third technological revolution in
the world that will enable man to control matter at the atomic scale.
Nanotechnology will revolutionize key areas like materials, information
and communication technology, medicine, genetics, electronics, energy,
environment, biotechnology and agriculture.” Mr Manoli was delivering
the inaugural address, at the two-day Bangalore Nano December 8-9,
“Karnataka is spearheading the nano-revolution in India, propped by its
astounding success in the field of Information Technology and
Biotechnology,” added Mr Manoli
Addressing the plenary session on the topic, “Nanotechnology: A key
tool in attaining developmental goals”, Dr W Selvamurthy, chief
controller (R&D), Defence Research and Development Organization
(DRDO), Government of India, said, “DRDO uses the possibilities of
nanotechnology to strengthen Indian defence sector. DRDO has alloted
about $45 million (`200 crore) for nanotech research. Twenty labs under
the aegis of DRDO are focusing on nanotech research. In the health
science area, researches are underway to use nanotechnology for online
physiological monitoring, protection against biological and chemical
warfare, and protection against nuclear radiation. Researches are also
carried out for enhancing biomedical applications such as biosensing
and targeted drug delivery. We are also coming up with a nano foundry
that will function as an interface between DRDO and other government
labs, industry and academic institutions.”
During his plenary speech, Dr MK Bhan, secretary, Department of
Biotechnology, Government of India, said, “Nanoscience and
biotechnology can be used effectively to find innovative solution to
the existing health-related issues prevailing in India. Whenever it
comes to new technologies, India has been hesitant to venture into it
at an early stage. The same hesitation prevails in nanotechnolgy as
well. We need new technologies, as it will help us bring in product
innovation. Nanotechnology can enhance the basic tools of proteomics
and genomics. To gain prominence in nanotechnoloy market, India needs
to create effective people across value chain. Lack of regulation and
risk assessment could hamper the nanotech sector, so industry needs to
understand and follow regulatory sciences at all stages of