ICT rides high on institute-industry network
August 05, 2010 | Thursday | News
Institute of Chemical Technology
Institute of Chemical Technology
Name of the Department: Institute of Chemical Technology
Courses: MSc, MTech and PhD courses
Coordinator: Dr Arvind Lali (Coordinator)
Address: Nathalal Parikh Marg, Matunga city, Mumbai-400019, Maharashtra
Tel: +91-22-33611111
Fax: +91-22-33611020
Email: am.lali@ictmumbai.edu.in
Website: www.udct.org, www.ceb.org.in
In the last five decades, ICT has emerged as a major center
for development of applied chemical sciences
Founded in 1934 and now a deemed university, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) has been ranked No.1 in this
year's survey. Last year, ICT was ranked No.3. Based in Mumbai, the institute offers training and research opportunities
in the fields of chemical engineering, chemical technology and pharmacy.
In the last five decades, ICT has emerged as a major center for development of applied chemical sciences with major
capacity built in areas such as separation technologies, facilitated reaction technologies, multi-phase reactor design,
pharmacy and pharmaceutical technologies, drug design (synthetic and natural), nutrition and food technology, oil
processing and oleochemicals technology, polymers, surface coating and processing, fiber technology and dye stuff
ICT offers MSc in biotechnology, MTech in bioprocess technology with special focus on downstream processing, and
PhD in bioprocess technology, food biotechnology and biotechnology. The department has 34 faculty members having a
teaching experience of more than five years while an additional seven members having an experience of up to five years.
Between June 1, 2007, and May 31, 2010, there were 28 scientific research papers published in national journals,
while 390 were published in international journals during the same period.
Total value of new industry-sponsored projects commissioned in ICT between June 1, 2009, and May 31, 2010, was estimated at

54.73 lakh,
while the total value of new government/ government agencies/ government department/ undertaking sponsored projects
commissioned in the same period came up to

33.91 crore. In terms of capital expenditure, the total cost for laboratory
equipments came up to

14 crore,
while the cost of consumables clocked at

55 lakh.
The DBT-ICT Center of Energy Biosciences was inaugurated in May 2009 and it is India's first national bioenergy research
center. It was set up at an initial cost of

24.8 crore
and is a multi-disciplinary center with emphasis on cutting-edge technology development and transfer to Indian
industry. The department has an extensive network with institutions and industries in India and abroad.
A proposal for dedicated Department of Biotechnology has been forwarded to UGC. Presently, it houses 24 laboratories
with 10 students accommodated in each lab space. There are plans to upgrade the present syllabus offered by the department.