Union Health Minister on genetically engineered crops
January 09, 2009 | Friday | News
Union Health Minister
on genetically engineered crops
The Indian media have
widely publicized the opposition of the Union Minster for Health (HM)
Anbumani Ramdoss to the genetically engineered (GE) crops, more
particularly to Bt brinjal. Professor C Kameswara Rao of Foundation for
Biotechnology Awareness and Education, Bangalore, gives us a wide
perspective on this.
The HM’s stand is basically rooted in factoids and political
expediency and not on facts. His statement that
‘When there are so many indigenous varieties of brinjal in
each region of India, where is there a need to borrow this Bt Brinjal
from other countries?’ reflects his ignorance of the
matter. All the varieties and hybrids of brinjal used in the
development of Bt transgenics are the products of Indian private and
public sector. The Bt gene Cry1Ac has been in extensive use
in cotton, which is in commercial cultivation since 2002, as well as in
several other transgenic crops in development in India, both in the
public and private sectors. Bt brinjal is being developed in
a public-private sector partnership and the Indian Agricultural
Research Institute itself is involved in the development of Bt brinjal
and several other transgenic crops.
It was the international scientific community, not the anti-tech
activists, who have identified the possible biosecurity risks posed by
the transgenic crops and devised testing protocols. The HM
and his supporters or the anti-tech activists have no locus standi to
trash the combined global scientific wisdom.
In India, the matter of biosecurity of GE crops comes under the
responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the
Ministry of Environment and Forests. The Indian Council of
Agricultural Research and HM’s own Indian Council of Medical
Research are actively involved in biosecurity evaluation of
GE foods and food crops.
The process of biosecurity regulation in the country has been reviewed
and the National Biosecurity Authority Bill currently on the anvil will
take care of any deficiencies and stakeholder concerns, when it comes
into force. If the HM has any specific issues he should take
them up with the concerned ministries and not transgress and issue
public statements contrary to the stated policy of the central
The Indian farmers have shown their preference to Bt cotton whose
acreage has increased from 0.5 mill. ha in 2002 to 6.2 mill. ha in
2007. Farmers seek reduced farm inputs and higher returns and
would grow even unapproved varieties if they think that they would
benefit from them. Cultivation of illegal Bt cotton (mostly
in Gujarat and some other states like Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh),
of some unapproved varieties of Bollgard I and II (Andhra Pradesh) and
of Bt cotton even when not approved for the whole state (Orissa), are
good pointers to farmers’ attitude. Banning
genetically engineered crops as proposed by the HM and his supporters
will lead to chaos as farmers would anyway go for them even when not
approved for their region or the state, and all control on biosecurity
would be lost.
The farmers’ wing of Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) is reported
to have mustered the support of a number of ignorant and gullible
groups to pursue their politically motivated opposition to GE
crops. The HM is playing to his constituency with an eye on
the ensuring general elections, ignoring the fact that the whole
opposition to GE crops is orchestrated for unscientific reasons,
ignoring India’s agricultural needs.
The HM’s promise to the protesters ‘to oppose the
move till proper research is conducted on whether it (Bt brinjal) is
safe for Indians’ does not hold as a cautious or remedial
approach since the damage is more severe from his other statement that
the ‘PMK has always opposed GM seeds. As a minister of PMK
and as the Union Health Minister, I will continue to oppose
it’. This violates healthy norms of coalition
culture. What we have at the center is the UPA government and
not the PMK government and the Union Cabinet is collectively
responsible. His assertion that Bt Brinjal is being brought
into the country without proper research on its safety reflects his
ignorance of the voluminous biosecurity data already on the official
website since September 2008 and/or a calculated indifference to the
country’s efforts in ensuring biosecurity of GE products.
It was reported that on December 4, 2008, a group of doctors from
different streams of medicinal systems have submitted a memorandum to
the HM stating that ‘that Genetic Engineering in our food and
farming is inherently risky and irreversible and that decision-making
in India is currently happening based on the crop developer’s
data without any independent research for assessing long term
effects’. These doctors, who are compulsive users of
manufacturers recommendations and promotional literature to prescribe
medicines, are only voicing tutored concerns. They cannot
claim to be more knowledgeable than plant biotechnologists and seem to
be as ignorant of the procedures adopted for biosecurity evaluation in
the country, which is among the most stringent in the world.
Over 350 million North Americans have been eating GE foods for over 12
years without any reported risks to their health and wellbeing, which
is in a sense the largest human food safety trial experiment
The Indian media, which believe that only issues with a negative
connotation are newsworthy, gobble up all sundry nonsense and blow it
out of proportion, without ever bothering to verify its
veracity. The PMK group is reported to have collected some
70,000 signatures against Bt brinjal. Is this based on an informed
decision taken by the signatories? Even so what is the
proportion of this group compared to the country’s
population? Any one is free to choose or reject GE crops but
does not have a right to impose their will on the others.
On the other side, Sharad Pawar, the union minister for agriculture
said on December 9, 2008, that biotechnology could play a key role in
the improvement of potato. He rightly said that the rules for
regulation of GE crops in India are well in place. On earlier occasions
he was optimistic that the Bt brinjal will soon come to the
market. So far as the issues of biosafety are concerned, it
does not make a difference whether it is potato or brinjal and the
agriculture minister’s stand is
The Government of India is doing a considerable lot to ensure
biosecurity of GE crops and to see that the farmers and consumers
derive the benefits from the new technology like the people of several
other countries. The HM’s statements run contrary
to the union ministry’s policy and it is for the Prime
Minister to control the damage caused by discordant notes emanating
from his cabinet and to get rid of the jetsam.
More than blaming the HM or even the vested interest groups for
unscrupulously exploiting the ignorance or indifference of the general
public. I consider the agribiotech industry and the Indian scientific
community, who failed to rise to the occasion, as responsible for the
turbulence. As they failed to enhance public awareness on the
biosecurity and the benefits of GE crops. The industry has
hardly supported others who work to promote public awareness.
Strong public awareness programs are an urgent need to ensure that the
interest groups cannot so easily mislead the media and the public.