Accuray addresses India's escalating cancer burden with latest configuration of Radixact System

September 13, 2024 | Friday | News

Projections indicate a 12.8% increase in cancer cases by 2025

US-based medtech firm Accuray is stepping up to support the efforts of cancer care with the introduction of Accuray Helix, a configuration of the Radixact Treatment Delivery System, a groundbreaking technology built on TomoTherapy helical platform to help transform cancer treatment in India.

Accuray Helix brings flexibility and versatility and is intended to drive improvements in personalisation and patient care, while simultaneously facilitating treatment of more patients each day, boosting productivity for clinics and enabling them to efficiently manage the growing demand for cancer care. It allows healthcare providers to address a broad range of cancer types, making it a game changer for clinics in smaller cities.

It is estimated that 50-60% of patients with cancer will need radiotherapy. Radiotherapy provides excellent local tumour control and is used to cure localized disease, palliate symptoms, and control disease in incurable cancer. In 2020, 70% of almost 10 million cancer-related deaths worldwide were in low-and-middle-income countries. This striking inequality underscores the urgent need for more equitable access to early detection and advanced treatment options, both globally and within India, where similar gaps in care exist. 

Vidhi Prasad, Managing Director – India & Subcontinent, Accuray, said, "We are actively working with healthcare providers all across India to deliver precision technology for cancer care. We strive to empower healthcare professionals to manage increased patient loads without compromising the quality of care, helping to ensure that no patient is left behind."


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