Royal Philips launches Image Guided Therapy Mobile C-arm System 9000 for surgeons in India

February 29, 2024 | Thursday | News

Automated workflows contribute to greater flexibility and independence for surgeons

Royal Philips, a global leader in health technology, has announced the launch of Philips Image Guided Therapy Mobile C-arm System 9000 – Zenition 90 Motorized, designed to help surgeons deliver high-quality care to more patients.

The new mobile C-arm with expanded capabilities is designed to meet complex vascular needs and a range of clinical procedures such as cardiac interventions, pain management and urology. Zenition 90 Motorized will be commercially available from Q2 2024.

Zenition 90 Motorized is an intuitive C-arm that allows the surgeon to control it from the table-side with user-friendly controls and time-saving features – empowering the surgeon with greater flexibility and independence. It delivers state-of-the-art image quality for the most challenging procedures and is designed to meet complex vascular needs. The system allows greater clinical efficiency thanks to its automated workflows, the image controls via the Touch Screen Module and the advanced software solutions.

"Zenition 90, the latest in the Zenition series, builds on this tradition of innovation and has been designed, developed, and manufactured in India. We believe Zenition 90’s superior capabilities across a range of procedures will not only empower doctors and hospitals but also reinforce our role as a trusted partner in India’s healthcare ecosystem” said Peeyush Kaushik, VP and Head of the Philips Healthcare Innovation Center, Pune.

The launch of the Zenition 90 Motorized follows the recent launch of the Philips Zenition 30 C-arm, and is the latest innovation in the renewed portfolio of the company’s advanced Zenition C-arm systems.


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