Qure.ai's AI-driven chest X-Ray solution gets US FDA clearance for enhanced lung nodule detection

January 12, 2024 | Friday | News

This marks the 6th FDA clearance for Qure’s chest X-ray based solutions

Mumbai-based startup Qure.ai has announced its 13th US FDA clearance for its artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled solutions. Qure’s chest X-ray based qXR-LN uses artificial intelligence to identify and localise lung nodules, marking another significant milestone for the organisation, strengthening its standing as a pioneer in the realm of AI-powered advancements for plain film radiography and medical imaging.

This also marks the 6th FDA clearance for Qure’s chest X-ray based solutions. Notably, this is the only FDA-cleared solution for detecting and localising lung nodules utilising computer vision to have Radiologists, Pulmonologists and ER physicians as intended users. 

The introduction of AI solutions, such as qXR-LN, presents a remarkable opportunity to cast a wider net to identify potentially malignant pulmonary nodules, thereby boosting the fight against lung cancer. 

qXR for Lung Nodule (qXR – LN) is a cutting-edge computer-aided detection software designed to identify and highlight regions indicative of suspected pulmonary nodules ranging from 6 to 30 mm in size. Tailored for use in the incidental adult population, this innovative device is a game-changer in diagnostic technology. It can also serve as a crucial second reader for physicians, assisting in the review of frontal (AP/PA) chest radiographs of adults acquired on digital radiographic systems.



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