Aakash Healthcare sets up ‘Cure c 3D’ lab at Dwarka headquarters

July 14, 2022 | Thursday | News

The lab will assist surgeons and clinicians in developing 3D models of complex clinical cases for patient education, surgical treatment planning

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Aakash Healthcare has established a 3D printing facility in its Dwarka headquarters. The lab, known as Cure c 3D, will assist surgeons and clinicians in developing 3D models of complex clinical cases for patient education, surgical treatment planning, and the creation of patient-specific jigs and other medical devices that will enable accurate and safe surgical interventions, such as those in complex spinal deformities. 


The lab has a cutting-edge Polyjet printer called the STRATASYS J5 that can create models in several colours and materials. The revolutionary 3D printing technology will produce high-quality models for patient education, resident lectures, and in vitro/outside OT practice of complex surgeries.


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