Zydus launches once-a-day pill for advanced prostate cancer patients in India
January 31, 2024 | Wednesday | News
Rexigo is a critical therapy as it suppresses testosterone in patients with advanced prostate cancer
image credit- shutterstock
Ahmedabad-based Zydus Lifesciences has launched Relugolix under the brand name, Rexigo. This is the first and only oral once-a-day therapy for testosterone suppression in patients with advanced prostate cancer in India.
Though Relugolix has been available in developed countries for the last four years, patients in India did not have access to it. With this launch, Zydus brings access to a critical therapy and also makes it affordable at a cost of Rs 6995 per month which is 50% less than the currently available injectable options.
The drug will be manufactured at the group’s manufacturing premises. This marks a big leap forward in the management of prostate cancer as patients and doctors will have a new option which can offer convenience, safety and rapid action.
Prostate cancer is one of the leading cancers in men and more than 43000 cases were reported in India in 2022 as per the National Cancer Registry Programme of India. Prostate cancer growth is majorly driven by the male hormone, testosterone, a member of ‘Androgens’.
One of the key strategies of prostate cancer management is ‘Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)’ with a goal of suppressing testosterone levels. It can be achieved by surgery or by using drugs. The duration of ADT depends on the disease status. The drugs currently used for treatment are all injectables with different routes of administration (in muscle or under the skin) and could be done only under the supervision of a care giver.
Rexigo alleviates this need. With this, the treatment for prostate cancer in India can now be made completely oral, thus helping patients lead a better quality of life.