AstraZeneca inaugurates Centre of Excellence at Manipal Hospital Goa for severe asthma patients

November 02, 2023 | Thursday | News

Expected to screen approximately 7,500+ patients within the first 12 months

AstraZeneca Pharma India has inaugurated a dedicated Centre of Excellence (CoE) for severe asthma in Manipal Hospital, Goa. This state-of-the-art centre will serve as exemplar hub for treatment and management of severe asthma patients, playing a crucial role in guiding and supporting evolving severe asthma centres. The centre will advocate a systematic and guidelines-based approach to identify and treat severe asthma patients.

Asthma, a global concern affecting over 339 million people annually, with more than 15 million cases in India alone. Tropical cities like Goa, characterised by high humidity levels, frequently trigger asthma attacks in patients.

The management of severe asthma requires continued research, education, and support to patients. To ensure seamless collaboration with the healthcare ecosystem, AstraZeneca is in discussion with potential local partners to aid in the execution of these centres. The severe asthma CoEs will contribute to the advancement of understanding severe asthma through local research initiatives.

Equipped with innovative technologies for asthma management, including biologics checklists and data-driven treatment approaches, the newly inaugurated CoE Goa is expected to screen approximately 7,500+ patients within the first 12 months.



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