Qiagen launches AI-derived biomedical knowledge base to accelerate data-driven drug discovery

28 February 2024 | News

Qiagen Biomedical KB-AI contains over 640 million biomedical relationships

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image credit- shutterstock

US-based Qiagen has announced the launch of Qiagen Biomedical KB-AI, a new generative AI-driven knowledge base designed to propel drug discovery in the pharma and biotech industries. This new offering is designed for data scientists and bioinformaticians who are looking for the most comprehensive knowledge graphs to fuel data-driven drug discovery.

Qiagen Biomedical KB-AI is built on a massive dataset of biomedical literature and other scientific sources. It identifies and extracts causal relationships between genes, diseases, drugs and other biological entities with artificial intelligence (AI), generating over 600 million more biomedical relationships than its complement, Qiagen Biomedical KB-HD. This expansive knowledge base helps data scientists understand disease mechanisms, identify drug targets or biomarkers and explore strategies for repurposing existing drugs. Qiagen Biomedical KB-AI provides the most complete picture of biomedical relationships, including edge cases and novel relationships.

While Qiagen Biomedical KB-HD is manually curated and known for its high quality and accuracy, Qiagen Biomedical KB-AI contains over 25x more relationships, allowing data scientists to generate new insights. Both knowledge bases can be used to provide both high-quality and high-quantity biomedical relationships data for data scientists and bioinformaticians to mine and validate.


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