Sciex unveils first fully-integrated microfluidic chip-based platform

June 06, 2023 | Tuesday | News

To provide mass information on charge variants that has the power to change protein therapeutic development

US-based firm Sciex, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, has launched the Intabio ZT system, the first fully-integrated microfluidic chip-based platform combining imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) separation and UV detection.

When coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) identification on the ZenoTOF 7600 system, it eliminates the guesswork from early drug development stages and accelerates drug candidate selection. This icIEF-UV/MS workflow enables separation, quantitation and identification of biopharmaceutical charge variants and their proteoforms.

The Intabio ZT system can acquire data on charge isoforms for biopharmaceuticals in minutes instead of weeks. This capability targets a key bottleneck in biopharmaceutical characterization, where lack of connectivity between icIEF and MS assays can hamper the identification of unknown peaks early in the development process. The Intabio ZT system also harnesses the sophisticated data processing capability within Biologics Explorer software to unlock a new depth of information.


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