BD India partners with Sehgal Path Lab to launch third clinical CoE in flow cytometry

May 12, 2023 | Friday | News

To provide opportunities for knowledge exchange and conduct diagnosis with higher accuracy

BD Life Sciences-Biosciences, a segment of BD (Becton, Dickinson, and Company), in collaboration with Sehgal Path Lab recently launched its Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Flow Cytometry for clinical research in Mumbai.

Aimed to serve as the National Reference Centre for clinical diagnostics applications, this is the third clinical CoE in Flow Cytometry by BD in India. Haematologists, physicians, and lab specialists from across India can come together at this CoE to deliberate and discuss standardisation and best practices in clinical Flow Cytometry.

This CoE is equipped with a comprehensive range of flow cytometer instruments like BD FACSLyric & BD FACSCanto II that will help in increasing awareness about the role of Flow Cytometry in clinical diagnostics among healthcare professionals.

Puneet Talwar, Business Director- India/South Asia, BD Lifesciences- Biosciences said, “This CoE in collaboration with Sehgal Path Lab will help to develop and organise training programs, CMEs, and workshops in clinical Flow Cytometry. CoE will also evaluate and standardise novel and upcoming clinical flow cytometric assays for feasibility, utility, and impact on patient care; and to serve as a nodal platform for building consensus and developing guidelines for sound laboratory practices and quality assurance in Clinical Flow Cytometry. 


Image caption- Puneet Talwar from BD India and Dr Kunal Sehgal from Sehgal Path Lab during the launch of Centre of Excellence in Clinical Flow Cytometry centre in Mumbai


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