HiMedia launches 11 minute automated viral RNA extraction protocol

January 09, 2021 | Saturday | News

The Super 11 Pre-filled Plates for Insta NX® Mag96 (MB615MPF9611) enables processing of 96 samples in just eleven minutes!

In a major breakthrough, HiGenoMB®, the Molecular Biology section of Mumbai based HiMedia Laboratories has launched the quickest and the easiest 11 minute automated RNA extraction protocol.

The Super 11 Pre-filled Plates for Insta NX® Mag96 (MB615MPF9611) enables processing of 96 samples in just eleven minutes!

In challenging times like these, the pre-filled reagents in this kit simplify the workflow for any COVID testing lab thereby allowing a multi-fold increase in the testing capacity in terms of speed.

As a leading Indian manufacturer, HiMedia commits itself to expanding its COVID Diagnostics portfolio with the most unique, reliable and essential products without any compromise on the quality of the products.

“HiMedia is proud of the role it has played in response to the COVID-19. These milestones only take us a step further in our aim to develop innovative products and to become the most sought after and the leading Indian brand for Molecular Diagnostics. We are striving hard to bring innovative Molecular Diagnostic solutions which cut down on factors such as turn-around-time (TAT) for reporting, dependability on highly skilled trained technicians, ease in Instrument handling thereby instilling confidence in small scale labs as well” says Dr. Rajas. V. Warke, Director of Molecular Biology, PhD Virology and Immunology, Massachusetts, USA and MBA, S. P. Jain Institute of Management, Mumbai.

Dr. Kavita Khadke, Director Molecular Biology, MD Pathology D.P.B (Gold medallist) mentioned “The new kit developed reduces one-third of the processing time. This demonstrates our research capability as we are continuously engaged in finding new dimensions to lead the COVID diagnostic market. HiMedia has always been a dependable brand when it comes to quality products. We have ensured quick and timely supply of products even during the pandemic. We believe in strong customer relationship and are always ready to go an extra mile for accommodating customer requirements.”


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