GNH India, a global source for priority pharmaceuticals has cleared an audit conducted by the Muscat Pharmacy and Poisons board to export pharmaceuticals and priority medications into the Gulf state of Oman. This milestone is yet another in GNH – India’s march towards becoming the premier global distributor for priority pharmaceuticals and medications. Earlier GNH India had cleared and audits to trade orphan drugs with the UK and had become the first Indian company to clear the Kenyan Pharmacy and Poisons Board audit as well. It has also become the first pharma distributor to clear the Muscat Pharmacy and Poisons Board audit, which functions under Oman health ministry.
In 2010, India ranked fifth largest source of imports into Oman after the UAE, Japan, United States and China. The audit will not only give preferential status to GNH India in the Oman trade market over other suppliers from countries including USA and EU but will also lead the company to become a key player in contributing towards the growth of Indian’s pharma export share to Oman which in 2016 stands at 39.07%.
On January 25th, two delegates from Oman Health Ministry visited GNH India’s warehouse in Prabhadevi, Mumbai to audit the company and to inspect its GDP standard. After receiving a positive response from the auditors, GNH India immediately lined up the export of scheduled drugs to Oman and is looking to establish long lasting business relations with the country. GNH India has been trading with Oman for past eight years, leading as largest pharma suppliers to the market for life-saving and orphan drugs.
Commenting on this, Dr. Piyush Gupta, Associate Director, GNH India said, “The visit from the official of the Pharmacy and poison board of Oman authenticates and further validates GNH India as a distributor of priority medicines. There is no stone left unturned to ensure that all the measures taken are compliant with international standards. Getting through this audit has opened a new vista for GNH India and has propelled trade relations with Oman in a great way.”
GNH India exports to more than 180 countries and has 135,000 product lines to choose from which makes this company one of the leading businesses in the $12.5 billion Indian pharmaceutical export industry. It has recently exported a large non- profit shipment to Somalia to aid the people with basic medicines which are lacking in the country.