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Picolinic acid, a natural compound produced by mammalian cells, can block several disease-causing viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A viruses, according to a new study by researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru and collaborators.
The study describes the compound’s remarkable ability to disrupt the entry of enveloped viruses into the host’s cell and prevent infection. The team hopes to develop the compound into a broad-spectrum therapeutic that can help fight against a variety of viral diseases.
Picolinic acid is known to help in the absorption of zinc and other trace elements from our gut, but in its natural form, it stays inside the body only for a short duration and is usually excreted out quickly. In recent years, scientists have begun noticing that it may also exhibit antiviral activity.
According to the research team, the current focus is on enhancing the compound’s efficacy, stability and absorption in the host body. The team is seeking partnerships with pharmaceutical industries to facilitate its clinical development and use against present as well as impending viral outbreaks.