The Head and Neck Oncologists at Cytecare Cancer Hospital in association with The Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology, Association of Otolaryngologists of India & Bangalore Chapter and Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India & Karnataka State Chapter, inaugurated first of its kind Annual Symposium in India on “Consensus Guidelines for Management of Advanced Head and Neck Cancer in India”.
Speaking at the occasion, Dr.Vikram D Kekatpure, Sr. Consultant, Head and Neck Surgical Oncology, Cytecare Cancer Hospital, said “Majority of Head & Neck Cancer is reported in advanced stages in India. There is no consensus management of these tumours, there by affecting the outcomes. This symposium will deliberate on available evidence debate, controversies and propose guidelines to improve both functional and oncological outcomes for our patients”.
Head & Neck Cancer is one of the most common Cancer in India related to Tobacco menace with high burden of about half a million new cases each year. Majority of the patient’s seek medical attention in advanced stages, when the functional and Oncological outcomes are compromised. The main objective of this symposium was to develop India specific guidelines for management of advanced Head & Neck cancers. A multidisciplinary team of leaders in Head & Neck Surgery, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Endocrinology, palliative care deliberated on current evidence; discussed controversies, surgical and radiotherapy techniques and chemotherapy regimen to develop India specific protocols to improve the outcomes.
Addressing the gathering, Dr.Anil D'cruz, Director, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, said, "CANCON is a well conceptualized program with leaders in field of head and neck oncology, debating on continuous issues pertaining to the treatment guidelines for advanced head and neck cancers in India. The highlight of two day cancer conclave is to conclude consensus statement at the end of each issue".
Advanced trainees and practicing surgeons and physicians in the fields of Head and Neck Surgery, Otolaryngology, maxillofacial and General Surgery, Surgical, Radiation and medical oncology and pain and palliative medicine with interest in Head and Neck oncology participated in the event. The symposium provided an academic impetus to the participants through CME (Continuing Medical Education) and CDE (Continuing Dental Education) Credit Points.