With monsoon approaching, Delhi has already witnessed 113 cases of Malaria, while dengue cases have inched close to 100.
According to the data released by Muncipal Corporation on Tuesday, total number of chikungunya cases recorded stand at 149. 40 malaria cases have been recorded this month alone.
Two new species of the carrier anopheles mosquito stephensi (urban vector) and culicifacies (rural vector) have been identified this year by National Institute of Malaria Research (NIMR).
The Delhi government recently issued instructions to state-run and private hospitals along with nursing homes to increase their bed capacity by up to 20% for the next six months to deal with the possible outbreak of dengue and chikungunya.
The government has also banned over-the-counter sale of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and brufen as their use may "pose a threat" to dengue patients.