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The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, has announced the request for proposals (RFP) for establishing Clinical Trial Networks and Strengthening Clinical Trial Capacity, under the National Biopharma Mission.
The programme is being funded by DBT along with World Bank Loan Assistance (Innovate in India for Inclusiveness Project or i3). The vision of the Program is to enable and nurture an ecosystem for preparing India’s technological and product development capabilities in biopharmaceuticals including vaccines, biologics, medical devices and diagnostics to a level that will be globally competitive overthe next decade. Through this RFP, NBM proposes to establish Clinical Trial Networks (CTNs) and Strengthen Clinical trial capacity
The request includes proposals-
RFP1- To establish Clinical Trial Networks (CTNs) for hospital-based trial in specialties of Diabetology, Ophthalmology, Rheumatology and Oncology.
RFP 2: To study epidemiology of Dengue & Chikungunya in different age-groups at existing DSS/DHS/DDESS sites (Demographic Surveillance System / Demographic and Health Surveillance / Demographic, Development and Environmental Surveillance System) and to further prepare the sites for conduct of GCP compliant field-based clinical trials.
RFP 3: Establish new DSS/DHS/DDESS sites within the country to have complete geographical representation of potential trial sites and to study epidemiology of Dengue & Chikungunya in different age-groups at these sites.
RFP 4: To Establish data management platform: An IT platform for community-based data collection, analysis and reporting.
The proposals can be submitted: Solely by Non-profit organizations / Societies / Trusts/ Foundation/ Associations/ Government entities/ Institutes/ Institutes established under Acts/statute OR Jointly by Non-profit organizations / Societies / Trusts/ Foundation/ Associations/ Government entities/ R&D Organizations / Institutes established under Acts.