The government of Tripura has announced a three months action plan to improve healthcare facility in the state. Mostly keeping the existing infrastructures intact and strengthening the monitoring mechanism adhering to the regulations.
Patients of Tripura go outside for the most common diseases; to stop it the state government is going to start super-specialty service of Cardiology, Neurology and Nephrology by next couple of months in Agartala Government Medical College (AGMC).
To begin with in AGMC the state government would introduce Aadhar based biometric attendance and entire process of service delivery system to bring under CCTV surveillance, which will be closely monitored by a dedicated team of experts.
“After OPD service at 1630 hrs, all the departments of AGMC need to ensure the presence of specialist doctors in the hospital till 2300 hrs and afterwards there will be on call doctor service, whose name and phone number will be displayed category wise for the public. The doctors and staff will be held responsible for any unwanted situation arise out due to service related matter,” Health Minister Sudip Roy Barman stated.
Besides, strengthening and expansion of Telemedicine service up to village level, the government decided to start at least 21 e-hospitals in next three months where people will get assured medical services without any predicament.
Using artificial intelligent, IT based prescription audit will be introduced in all district and state hospitals and doctors must prescribe medicine in generic name, prescribing brand name is strictly prohibited, minister reiterated.
For ensuring healthcare service in a few listed remote locations, the department introduced tenure posting for six months for all categories of medicos and non-medicos. They will be automatically released on the last day of the tenure and new set of people will join, he added.
The proposal for extension of retirement age for state government doctors from 60 to 65 years like the Central government and it will be placed to next cabinet meeting.
Moreover, as part of preventive healthcare as many as 29 well-being centres will start functioning apart from a drug de-addiction center at modern psychiatric hospital.
All Auxiliary nurse midwives will be provided with a tab computer to feed data from the ground on real time basis by which preventive healthcare service will be provided, Roy Barman maintained.
The state government will procure at least 50 most modern life support system fitted ambulance and call centre 102 dialing will ensure immediate ambulance service across the state and 104 for grievance redress.