Ansys & SINE, IIT Bombay collaborate for tech startups acceleration

11 June 2024 | News

To provide engineering hardware startups with evaluation/trial licenses and to conduct events

The Society For Innovation & Entrepreneurship (SINE), a technology business incubator set up in 2004 at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, to promote innovation and technology-based entrepreneurship, is collaborating with Ansys Software to provide support for technology startups.

As a part of the Ansys Startup Programme, Ansys and SINE have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to solidify their collaboration. As per the terms of the MoU, Ansys will conduct events in association with SINE to support the success of engineering hardware startups and also provide evaluation/trial license for three months to the startups associated with SINE.

“Startups in India, especially engineering hardware startups, have immense potential to compete globally. Simulation technology is a key enabler for startups to help them demonstrate product competitiveness which is a key challenge they face. The Ansys Startup Program has supported several global startups to accelerate innovation at a competitive cost and to help secure additional funding for future projects”, said Mike Yeager, Area Vice President, India and Japan, Ansys.

The Ansys Startup Programme provides early-stage startups with access to multiphysics simulation software coupled with high-performance computing to help them tackle their engineering challenges quickly and cost-effectively.

Since its inception, over 2,100 startups from 58 countries have joined the programme, spanning the autonomous, high-tech, energy, aerospace and defence, automotive, communications, healthcare, and other industries.



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