DeepTek’s AI-powered solution accelerates Mongolia's fight against TB

August 24, 2022 | Wednesday | News

DeepTek's Genki analyses chest X-Rays within a minute to automatically triage TB suspects

Image credit: Shutterstock

Image credit: Shutterstock

Pune-based startup DeepTek's AI-powered TB screening solution Genki is helping Mongolia in its fight against tuberculosis (TB). Ministry of Health Mongolia's National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) has joined hands with DeepTek to improve its screening capabilities and make the process faster and more affordable. As per the studies by WHO, Mongolia is one of the countries with the highest TB prevalence, with around 4000 TB cases reported yearly.


Genki analyses chest X-Rays within a minute to automatically triage TB suspects. Only the suspects triaged positive on DeepTek's AI solution are sent for further confirmatory molecular tests. This substantially reduces the need for conducting expensive molecular tests – bringing down the overall costs. Instant results also ensure that suspected patients can be educated on the spot and cases are not lost for follow-up. The NCCD is responsible for infectious disease control in Mongolia and plays a crucial role in preventing and controlling the spread of contagious diseases.  


DeepTek's solution has 'end-to-end workflow', which ushers the much-needed last-mile approach in bridging the gaps in disease elimination. It seamlessly integrates with mobile X-ray units to ensure instant triaging / pre-screening and make imaging assessment, diagnosis, and reporting seamless even in the remotest part of the world.  





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