Quality by Design for manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals
April 08, 2010 | Thursday | News

Quality by Design (QbD) has gained great popularity in
the last five years. Intended to be an initiative to modernize
pharmaceutical manufacturing and make it more efficient, the elements
of QbD have been presented in the FDA's PAT-A Framework for Innovative
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Quality Assurance1 as well as the
International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines: ICH Q8
Pharmaceutical Development2, ICH Q9 Quality Risk Management3 and ICH
Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System4.
In the traditional approach to biotech production, manufacturers would
define a process and run it consistently such that the critical
parameters are controlled within a narrow range so as to make the
product with consistent quality. The major downside of this approach is
that since the process controls are fixed, variability in raw materials
and process manifests as variability in product quality and results in
lot failures5. In contrast, Quality by Design is defined in the ICH Q8
guideline as “a systematic approach to development that begins with
predefined objectives and emphasizes product and process understanding
and process control, based on sound science and quality risk
management.�2. Figure 1 (on page 59) illustrates the roadmap for QbD
implementation and shows the key steps that need to be taken for
implementing QbD for a biotech product5-7. Key steps are:
identification of the product attributes that are of significant
importance to the product's safety and/or efficacy (Target Product
Profile and Critical Quality Attributes); design of the process to
deliver these attributes; a robust control strategy to ensure
consistent process performance; validation and filing of the process
demonstrating the effectiveness of the control strategy; and finally
ongoing monitoring to ensure robust process performance over the life
cycle of the product. Furthermore, risk assessment and management, raw
material management, use of statistical approaches and process
analytical technology (PAT) provides a foundation to these activities.
Figure 2 (on page 59) shows a case study that illustrates application
of QbD for a Pichia pastoris expressed biotech product8. First, Failure
Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was performed to identify process
parameters for process characterization. Risk Priority Number (RPN)
scores were calculated and operating parameters with a high enough RPN
score were characterized using a qualified scaled-down model. Screening
was first performed to identify the process parameters that had the
most impact on % solids, optical density (OD) profiles and product
titer. 12 parameters were examined in the screening study and based on
the results of the screening study, three parameters were further
examined for their interactions. The parameters were temperature, pH,
and dissolved oxygen (DO).
A design of experiments (DOE) study was designed to examine the main
effect of these parameters on % solids, OD profiles and product titer
along with their interactions. The outcome of the DOE is illustrated in
Figure 3A for the effect on product titer. It was found that none of
the parameters have significant impact on product quality (no critical
parameters)8. Further, temperature, pH and DO were found to impact cell
growth and titer, and thus were classified as key process parameters.
As per the principles in the ICH Q8 guideline, a unit operation design
space was established using the acceptable ranges for temperature, pH
and DO and this is illustrated in Figure 3B8.
Another case study illustrating the benefits of QbD with respect to
real time release is shown in Figure 49. In this application,
near-infrared (NIR) analysis allows for trending of raw material lot
quality in real time and early detection of any shifts in
quality. The subsequent extrusion unit operation is monitored
continuously in-line for temperature and active ingredient
concentration. Off-line, an ultra-performance liquid
chromatography test is performed to test the material for presence of a
degradation product. Particle size distribution is continuously
monitored during milling for process consistency and controlled via
feedback control for compressing performance as a function of particle
size. Finally, the weight, thickness, potency and hardness are
tested at-line at the tablet press for continuous quality verification
and feedback control of compression. This approach reduces
quality risk and variability while increasing process understanding and
a real time profile for the manufacturing process at each step or unit
operation can be generated. If the reported profile is consistent with
historical data, based on population analysis, real time release of
product can be considered. Fundamentally, only those lots that
fall outside the known population of data would require additional
off-line testing or be rejected. Such an approach can result in very
significant cost savings as well as an improved consistency in product
Current environment of Indian
biopharma industry
Historically, the Indian biotech companies have demonstrated their
capability to manufacture biotech drugs safely and effectively. India
is already the world's top vaccine manufacturer and is widely
recognized as a potential leader for manufacturing of other human
therapeutic biotech drugs9. Most of the drugs are those called as
'biosimilars', meaning copies of drugs that are already on the
market10. However, the sales of such biosimilars manufactured in
India have primarily been limited to developing and under developed
countries. As the Indian biotech industry gears up for getting
approvals for selling the biosimilars to the European, North American
and other developed markets, it will be necessary for the manufacturers
to raise their technical, quality and compliance systems to the
expectations of the regulatory agencies such as the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA).
Implementation of Quality by Design is one such initiative that will
assist in making this leap. The Indian biotech industry realizes this
and most of the key players are embracing QbD by integrating its
principles into their internal systems.
The future success of the Indian biotech industry will be significantly
impacted by how quickly it adapts to the higher expectations of the
regulatory authorities of the developed nations. Quality by
Design is likely to play a key role in this transition.
Anurag S Rathore, Department
of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi