Govt departments gear up to work on Modi's vision to promote local manufacturing and sanitation
During an event to unveil the 'Vision Document - 2025', an extensive report on the medical technology sector jointly prepared by CII and Boston Consulting Group, the key department heads of various ministries were unanimous in applauding the focous on indigenous manufacturing and sanitation.
During his address, health secretary, Mr Lov Verma, laid emphasis on the fact that the medical technology sector should also look at CSR initiatives to promote sanitation like building toilets in schools. The department of health and family welfare has already been spearheading programs related to the improvement of healthcare for deprived sections. But following PM's directives, now there is a renewed focus on sanitation in schools and rural areas.
At the same time, Dr K Vijay Raghavan too endorsed local innovation and talked about the need to promote it if the sector has to realise its true potential. "Government will have to play a leading, guiding role to ensure that," he said. The DBT has been part of the 'Biotoilet program' which was spearheaded by BIRAC, an organisation established by DBT to promote schemes for entreprenuers. Also, apart from its regular biotech focused policies, it has been involved with programs on sanitation and maternal health.
Earlier, the secretary of the Department of Industrial Policy Promotion (DIPP), Mr Amitabh Kant mentioned, It is essential that the medical technology sector exploit the cost advantage if it wants to compete with China in the global market. His comments also point towards the shift in policy of promoting local technology developers.
While here, they were talking in the context of medical technologies but the statements surely reflect the vision that just goes beyond the normal working style. Asking corporates to help in sanitation and forging partnerships with foreign companies to help in local manufacturing is a trend that sounds very exciting. Yet the effective implementation through continous innovation and collaborative models at grassroot level, is the important aspect that has to be taken care of.