Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi delivering the Convocation Address at the 42nd Convocation of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, in New Delhi on October 20, 2014
PM Modi has urged graduating students to follow the examples set by the doyens of the medical fraternity who were being given lifetime achievement awards at New Delhi in an impressive show held at the AIIMS campus. The PM also presented awards to eminent professionals in the field of medical science, and medals and prizes to meritorious students.
Mr Modi urged students to keep this in mind in their daily conduct. He said some doctors become popular because they bond with the patient, thereby giving the patient the confidence and strength to fight the disease.
Explaining to the graduating students through several illustrations, that many people and sections of society, had done something, or made sacrifices, so that they could become doctors, the Prime Minister urged them to keep this in mind in their profession. He exhorted them to work on patients with the spirit that the patients have a `right` over them. He expressed hope that society would gain from their work, and the dream of a healthy India would be achieved.
The PM further elaborated, "India needs to step up medical research, to keep pace with a fast-changing world. Therefore, he urged young doctors to record case-histories in specific areas as they go about their profession. He also urged them to work towards achieving a higher number of publications in scientific journals."
He urged graduating students to keep a cheerful attitude towards life, even as they fulfilled their responsibilities as doctors and medical professionals, in all seriousness. The Prime Minister suggested that students from poor backgrounds, from nearby schools, could be invited as "special guests" to such convocation programs. Such events could serve as unique inspirational moments for them, he said.