Sibal has brought the same seriousness and the professionalism of a celebrated lawyer to take Indian technology sector to great heights. And in this Exclusive interview with BioSpectrum's Rolly Dureha and N Suresh, he defends his faith in biotechnology as the harbinger of a healthy and prosperous tomorrow for India.
Ever since you took charge as the S&T minister,
biotechnology has been one of your focus areas. You seem to be "batting for
the biotech sector". Are you aiming to become a champion and an evangelist
of biotech so that India could replicate the software and IT success story in
this sunrise sector?
It is not that I am batting for the biotechnology sector but it
happens that the science and technology ministry is like a cricket team. And
biotechnology comes too down, and so it is the best batsman. I bat for everybody
but biotechnology happens to be the best batsman for the reason that after the
great success of information technology, the next great success story is
biotech. And that is something which was felt by me and it seemed that I was
right because a lot of biotech companies coming into India have shown great
interest in India and the fact that the turnover of the biotech sector has
increased to $1 billion is itself the evidence of the fact that my original
perception was accurate. I bat for everybody, I don't bat for biotechnology
alone. It just so happens that biotechnology is going to be the next success
In the forthcoming Union budget, what is in store
for the biotech industry?
What happens is that when the Union budget is on, all that we are
left with as a minister are our powers of persuasion. And how far anybody is
persuaded is a matter for others to decide. Before the budget is announced or
known, we will exercise those powers to the best of our abilities.
What is your vision for India with reference to the
biotech/life sciences sector? How do you envisage the Indian biotechnology
industry five years from now?
The growth in biotechnology and life sciences sector will be driven
by the activities in the sectors of services, manufacturing and creation of new
value added products. We should capitalize on our growth strength in research
and development and IPR generation in the areas of vaccines, diagnostics, new
medicines derived from utilization of traditional knowledge, value added
products through application of food biotechnology, increased productivity
through pest and disease resistant genetically modified crops and eco-friendly
technologies. The biotechnology industry has already started showing encouraging
trends and recorded an annual growth of 40 percent over the last 4-5 years. We
envisage an annual turnover of $5 billion from the biotechnology and life
sciences sector by 2010.
In the current year's Padma Awards list, an
unprecedented five out of seven industry leaders are from the life sciences
sector. Is this a signal of the UPA ( United Progressive Alliance) government's
increased emphasis on biotechnology as another major tool in ushering in a new
social and economic order in the country?
The government recognizes the huge potential of biotechnology sector
for ameliorating diseases, increasing food production and food quality,
eco-friendly biopesticides and biofertilizers and improving the overall quality
of life. This is a sector that has the potential for achieving economic
development while meeting the social objectives. Research and development in
industry has shown impressive growth and demonstrated the social commitment.
Many individual scientists and entrepreneurs have made substantial contribution
to the progress in this sector in the last few years. The government appreciates
their contribution and expresses confidence in the strength of the scientists
and entrepreneurs of the country.
When will the National Biotechnology Policy be
unveiled? What are its unique features? Will there be any clarity on ushering in
a predictable regulatory environment and a definitive statement on allowing
transgenic foods?
The draft policy is ready. In fact, the document prepared is more
than a mere policy statement. It addresses the strategies in different cross
cutting issues and defines sectoral road maps. The National Task Force on
formulation of the policy is meeting on February 25 to discuss the draft and
make its suggestions. Thereafter it is proposed to be put up on the DBT website
inviting public suggestions and views. The idea is to make the process as
participative as possible. The whole process is likely to take 2-3 months more.
Has the government identified a specific sector -
BioPharma, BioAgri, BioServices or BioInformatics - to focus upon and give it
a special thrust in India?
All the four sectors are important and require proper thrust.
BioPharma has the potential of providing affordable drugs for the masses,
fighting diseases and improving the quality of life. We need BioAgri for
improving productivity and quality of food. BioServices has the potential of
providing substantial employment and India could emerge as a global leader in
this sector. BioInformatics is a key tool to modern biology and this is
absolutely essential for handling the large volumes for life sciences and
genomic data which can be exploited for developing useful products.
![]() We envisage an annual turnover of $5 billion from the biotechnology and life sciences sector by 2010. The government expresses confidence in the
strength of the scientists and entrepreneurs The draft policy addresses the strategies in different cross cutting issues and defines sectoral road maps. There will be a special focus on marine biotechnology considering the long coastline and huge potential of this country in biotechnology. |
Would you be refashioning the DBT's charter to
make it play a more pro-active role in catalyzing the growth of the fledgling
biotech sector? What are the steps taken by the DBT to strengthen this industry?
The DBT has made an excellent contribution in developing human
resources and infrastructure, a contribution acknowledged by all. The DBT is
strengthening its capacity; focusing its role in catalyzing research and
development in the industry through public-private partnership and is working
towards improvements in regulations, trans-boundary flow of biologicals,
attracting FDI ( foreign direct investment), promoting biotechnology industry by
developing more biotech parks, making universities and R&D institutions more
responsive to industry needs and providing scientists with enabling
circumstances for cooperating with industry. DBT will keep itself fully abreast
of the goals and plans of biotechnology companies and through an interactive
approach and will act as a facilitator in the fulfillment of these goals.
Biotech entrepreneurs are finding it difficult to
source the initial seed fund. Are there plans to set up a National Venture Fund?
The government is seized of the need for initial seed fund for
promotion of biotech enterprises. Serious discussions are going on and various
proposals are under consideration. Emphasis will be on pre-proof-of-concept
funding for small and medium enterprises. The government will act as a
pro-active partner in the effort to develop innovative products and processes
for eventual commercialization.
How are they being addressed? When will the
recommendations of the M S Swaminathan and Mashelkar Task Forces on setting up a
comprehensive regulatory framework for biotech be implemented?
I expect the recommendations of M S Swaminathan and Mashelkar Task Forces to
be implemented soon for defining clear science based protocols. An
inter-ministerial group will seriously explore the feasibility of a single
regulatory authority for biotechnology products.
Although India has joined the
Product Patent regime, many Indian and multinational biotech companies are not
clear about how stringent will be IP (intellectual property) enforcement in
India. How can the confidence of the industry be boosted ?
A number of steps have been taken to professionalize our ability in
IPR protection. The Patent offices are being updated by recruitment of new staff
and improvement in work efficiency supported by better equipment. IPR
administration is proposed to be improved through creation of Patent Courts and
adequate availability of patent attorneys. Science graduates will be encouraged
to take up IPR related studies. Scientists and technology transfer professionals
will be trained in IP protection relating to assessment of patentability, patent
examination and technology transfer issues.
Generation of specialized human resources is key to
the growth of the biotech industry. How is it being strengthened and
supplemented to cater to the future needs?
We recognize that adequate capacity in terms of number has been
created for training in biotechnology and life sciences at the Masters level.
However, the emphasis at the Masters level will be on improvement in quality by
increasing hands on training and industry exposure. Quality of teachers will be
improved through a substantive teachers training program. Additional
post-graduate teaching capacity, will, however, be created in certain niche
areas where there are deficits. The number of Ph.D and Post Doctoral fellowships
will be increased for creating high end professionals who would act as leaders
in research and enterprise development. Emphasis will be given on training of
technicians to meet the industry needs. Special technician training schools are
proposed to be created for addressing this key requirement.
Some of the biotech tools can provide the capability
to transform India's barren landscape with salt-tolerant crops, drought
resistant plants and also help in quick development of mangroves and other
natural barriers on our vast coast line and reduce the impact of natural
disasters like tsunami, cyclones and drought. Will you give priority to some of
these areas?
You have rightly identified the country's need in this important
sector which provides livelihood to 70 percent of the country's population.
Research focus in agriculture technology will be on salt-tolerant, drought
resistant crops that are resistant to pests and diseases. The approach will be
to address both biotic and abiotic stresses. There will be a special focus on
marine biotechnology considering the long coastline and huge potential of this
country in this sector.
You had recently gone to Antarctica. What are the
growth possibilities for biotechnology/science and technology in that region?
We are doing many experiments in Antarctica. Antarctica is a no man's
land. The only three things that survive in Antarctica are lichens, mosses and a
particular species of spider. There is no other life in Antarctica. Of course,
we are discovering some microbes in Antarctica. Of the 120 microbes discovered
there, 20 were discovered by Indian scientists. But it is a long way to go. It
is not something that will happen overnight. But we have continued to maintain
our experimental station in Antarctica. For us it is the land untouched by human
beings and we would like it to remain like that. Just as we would like to find
out about our roots, likewise we would like to know what are the roots of the
universe. And Antarctica is the best place to start discovering.
How do you perceive biotechnology in the interest of
the common man?
Oh! Fundamentally. Science must never bypass the common man. I have
been saying this for a long time. Biotechnology in particular is of interest to
the common man because essentially it deals with three things: agriculture,
which is of great interest to the common man, health, which is fundamental for
his survival and the environment, which is fundamental to the survival of the
humanity. And all these three things touch the common man in a big way.
What is your opinion about BioSpectrum?
It is an outstanding magazine. It needs to, like science and
technology in this country, give itself greater exposure. The more you reach out
the more successful you will be.
Rolly Dureha and N Suresh