Tracking Trends in Drug Discovery
November 04, 2010 | Thursday | News
The role of computational tools in
drug discovery and design is revolutionary. Designing a new drug can be
faster and more economical when researchers incorporate computational

Computers have become an integral part of drug discovery
process - as
rapid advances in hardware and software happening today can help
researchers in drug discovery, achieve their goals quickly and more
efficiently. Software packages ranging from modeling programs to
virtual reality, let scientists explore more structural options, and
even make predictions of properties of new compounds. Besides that, the
cost and time involved in drug discovery are prohibitively expensive,
which is unacceptable, particularly for life-threatening diseases. It
is expected that computational tools can save up to 20 percent, if not
more, on the cost and time factors.
Computational biology
There has been tremendous change in the field of drug discovery in the
past two decades. In the post-genomic era, rational drug discovery is a
major approach for discovering and designing new drugs. Generally,
experimental techniques are costly, time-consuming, and involve the use
of animals for testing. Therefore, computer-based in silico models are
alternate to experimental models.
Says Dr GPS Raghava, head, Bioinformatics Center, Institute of
Microbial Technology (IMTECH), Chandigarh & head, computational
resources for drug discovery (CRDD) initiative of open source drug
discovery (OSDD), under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
(CSIR), India, “Unlike the traditional approach when drugs were
discovered mainly, based on trial-and-error, like plant-based
medicines, accidental observations (penicillin) and chemical
modification; there have been some major developments in this field.
These include the understanding of disease mechanism; designing in
silico models; annotation of genome of pathogen (disease causing
agent); annotation of human genome; searching drug targets,
understanding structure and function of targets, and designing drug
molecules against targets.�
Explains Dr B Jayaram, coordinator, Supercomputing facility for
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, IIT Delhi, “The role of the
drug molecule is to seek out and bind to the target(s) and only to the
target(s), inhibit or activate the target(s), as required by the normal
pathway, without itself being chewed up by other pathways before it can
act and, make a graceful exit after the action on the target is
elicited either as intact molecule, or as harmless pieces. Computers
help in designing these molecules.�
Overall, computational tools shorten the discovery timeline,
rationalize the design and help in decision-making process. Says Dr VN
Balaji, director & chief scientific mentor, Jubilant Biosys, “What
is exciting about computational tools is their ability to give atomic
level insights into observed molecular interaction and relation to
biological data. Dynamic simulations give valuable insights into
mobility of molecular interactions for design. These tools are used for
molecular design of hits, leads and optimization of leads with better
profile as drugs,� he adds.
Latest trends
In the present era, drug design is based on disease models.
Bioinformaticians are mainly focusing on system biology to understand
biological system in totality. Thus, most of the computational tools
are designed to understand biological systems, particularly major
pathways and disease models. The group under Dr Raghva at, IMTECH,
Chandigarh, is particularly focusing on the development of open source
in the field of chemo-informatics, in order to attract more
academicians to this field.
“Unlike the traditional approach when drugs were mainly
based on trial-and-error, there have been some major developments in
computational biology�
-Dr GPS Raghava, head, Bioinformatics Center, IMTECH,
Chandigarh & head, CRDD, CSIR
“There are reasons for considerable optimism in
anticipating that we
may reach out farther in the years to come, than has been possible thus
far, in reducing cost and time in drug discovery�
-Dr B Jayaram,coordinator, Supercomputing Facility for
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, IIT Delhi
“What is exciting about computational tools is their
ability to give
atomic level insights into observed molecular interaction and relation
to biological data�
-Dr VN Balaji, director & chief scientific mentor,
Jubilant Biosys
Dr Balaji believes chemo-informatics, involving the analysis of
chemical information, developing and using specialized tools to process
large amounts of information, has emerged as an extremely important
area. Talking about latest trends, he opines, “Molecular docking,
dynamics, pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening approaches are
important in drug design. Tools to predict specificity, metabolites,
pharmocodynamic–pharmacokinetic profile, bio-availability, toxicity are
part of the design approach.�
Many commercial drug design tools are available. Some of the
established packages are by US-based companies Schrodinger, Tripos,
Accelrys and Canada's Chemical Computing Group. Many machine learning
tools are being used for quantitative modeling of structure-activity
relationships (QSAR). Incremental improvement in accuracy of scoring
functions, many new tools for analyzing SAR, development of shape-based
techniques, improved efficiency of molecular dynamics simulations are
among the latest trends.
The Gene-to-Drug software suite developed at the Supercomputing
Facility for Bioinformatics, IIT New Delhi, accessible freely over the
net, comprises genome analysis programs (Chemgenome), protein structure
prediction programs (Bhageerath) and computational tools for drug
design (Sanjeevini). Chemgenome is a novel successful step towards
deciphering the language of DNA from an energetic perspective. The
accuracies realized by Sanjeevini in docking candidate molecules to
targets, and in estimating binding affinities to target, are comparable
to the best in the business. Intense efforts are continuing in the lab
(SCFBio, IITD) to make the software faster, more user-friendly, and as
good as it can get. Concurrently, efforts are also in progress in the
lab, to design novel anti-malarials with Sanjeevini.
“It was more of a personal dream to develop an in-house drug design
software suite that is freely accessible to the user community,
particularly to tackle diseases in developing countries where
investments are relatively low.� says Dr Jayaram.
Joint initiatives
Drug design being a complex process, needs immense expertise, resources
and systematic work. Therefore, sharing of information becomes
important to make progress. Companies generate huge data like failed
drugs, molecules that have failed in different phases of clinical
trials, resources and software. These resources are very important for
computer scientists to develop in silico models for drug discovery.
Ultimately, companies that design new drug molecules can use these
Dr Balaji, while endorsing the role of academic institutes says,
“Almost all molecular design software we see today, were originally
developed and/or prototyped in an academic environment. The molecular
design software houses give enhanced user-friendly features, validation
and training modules. Academic institutions are continuously
contributing to advancing the methods used in drug design and test out
hypotheses. Industry needs tools to mine data and design new molecular
entities. Science from academics and knowledge from industry can
together lead to quality tools, and optimize drug discovery process.�
Academic institutes are invaluable sources of new therapeutic targets
for diseases, biological assay techniques, new chemical synthetic
routes, catalysts, and so on. Commercial establishments bring in among
other factors, efficiency, affordability, knowledge and experience,
skilled person power, practical solutions, project management
experience, swift decision making. A symbiotic blend of these go a long
way in accelerating the discovery process.
As Dr Raghava says, “Both academic institutes and companies should work
in collaboration, in the interest of better health for everyone. We
need to understand that drugs are required for everyone, as we all are
disease-prone. Besides business, we should think about human beings
suffering from dreaded diseases like cancer, HIV, tuberculosis.�
Agreeing to Dr Raghava's statements, Dr Jayaram says “There is hardly
an academician who is not excited about seeing his/her research
benefiting society; while the industry has no escape from market forces
and balance sheets. This scenario provides a natural link between
academia and industry.�
“More specifically, the industry could take the in silico suggestions
forward through synthesis and in vitro/in vivo testing. Also, knowledge
of the failed candidate molecules from pharmaceutical companies can be
pumped into academic labs in an iterative way, to produce good
candidates.� Dr Jayaram says, while suggesting ways to boost
In the Indian context, drug discovery in academic labs today, is mostly
driven by government-sponsored R&D projects. Given the
infrastructure and advances made in these labs, and considering the
strengths in information technology (IT) and synthetic organic
chemistry available in the country, the time is ripe for industry and
academia to create a win-win situation for all. In India, many academic
industry collaborations have resulted in new technology development.
Packages such as EduSAR from V-life Sciences, Pune and Biosuite from
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), are promising examples. Computational
platform AVADIS from India's Strand Life Sciences for target and
biomarker identification is well-known.
Another example is of Dr Raghava. His group, in collaboration with
private company Biomantra, New Delhi, developed a software package
As rightly said by Dr Jayaram, while the exact numbers are arguable, it
takes on an average, $1.4 billion (

years, to see a new drug in the market - 20 percent of
these numbers as investment into academia, is a reasonable proposition
to doubly ensure success.
Rahul Koul in New Delhi