Founded in 2002, the biotechnology department at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology Noida offers four year BTech, five year dual BTech- MTech degrees and PhD in biotechnology. In the academic year 2011-12, a total of 32 students were admitted to both the courses.

According to the institute, most of its students have secured positions in graduate schools for MS and PhD at even leading universities such as Max Planck Institute, John Hopkins, Georgia Tech, and Keck Graduate Institute. The department has benefited from an open-ended budget policy resulting in the provision of state-of-the-art research facilities.
The department has a balanced mix of faculty, drawn from both academia and industry with rich research and development exposure. These projects have been supported by sponsored project grants secured in the past three years approximately

2.12 crore from government funding agencies including DBT, DST, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), and AYUSH (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare).
Jaypee has formed strategic collaborations with scientists from national and international research centers for sharing specialized expertise and facilities, while consolidating research efforts reflected in establishment of a Centre for Emerging Diseases, and substantial increase in intake of PhD research scholars.
So far, the department has published 38 research papers in national journals and 181 in international journals. The department estimates the total capital expenditure on cost of consumables and subscribing biotech related books and journals has doubled in the past year.
The department recently in association with Scientity, UK organized an international conference on “bioproducts from natural sources� as a part of the biotechnology conference series. The faculty at the department is involved in various research activities. It received a grant of

30 lakh from DBT to concentrate on various projects. The department has also tied up with New Castle University to exchange knowledge in research and education for the benefit of the student community.
Fact file
Name of the Department:
Department of Biotechnology
BTech & MTech in Biotechnology
Prof. Sanjeev K Sharma
"We keep a balanced approach between the practical and the classroom teaching. Apart from imparting basic knowledge in various subjects of biotechnology to the students, our focus is also to provide the latest know-how on good lab practices (GLP), research ethics, and regulatory framework."
Prof. Sanjeev K Sharma
department of biotechnology, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology