Bangalore India BIO 2014 - What the EU is upto?
Bangalore: One of the highlights of this year's Bangalore India BIO (BIB 2014) is going to be the presence of a large delegation from the European Union. BIB will act as a platform for both the EU and India to discuss cooperation and opportunities in the domain of research, innovation and higher education.
Besides the Multi-Track Conferences, International Tradeshow, Distinguished Lectures and Talks, Bangalore INDIA BIO 2014 will also feature B2B meetings, CEO Conclave, presentation of the Bio Excellence Awards, finals of the BioQuiz, business delegation meetings & other networking events.
There is strong international participation from nearly 20 countries with large delegations from Scotland, UK, EU, Neurosciences Victoria, Atlanta - Georgia, Korea and Malaysia. A session on Research, Innovation and Higher Education Cooperation & Opportunities between India and The European Union and a special focus on developing strategic relationships between India and Melbourne in Neuroscience will be held. Emory vaccine Center will hold a session on exploring further Indo-US as well as Global Partnerships for Vaccine Research and the UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) will hold a session on collaborative opportunities with India, amongst other topics.
The following illustrious individuals would be part of the delegation. Participants can have a look at the entire agenda by clicking here.