(Photo Courtesy: www.treatingpain.com)
ZEMBRACE SymTouch is a prefilled, low-dose, ready-to-use, 2-step autoinjector containing 3 mg of sumatriptan, a selective 5-HT1B/ID receptor agonist.
Because ZEMBRACE SymTouch is a subcutaneous injection, it may lead to rapid relief of migraine.
Migraineurs often have more than one kind of attack. Different types of medications can be used to treat different types of attacks.
"ZEMBRACE SymTouch is a welcome addition to the toolkit for acute treatment of migraine" said Dr Roger Cady, MD, Associate Executive Chairman of the National Headache Foundation. "This 3 mg, easy to-use subcutaneous injection of sumatriptan may be desired by many migraine patients who need a medication that can rapidly treat migraine attacks. Also, the 3-mg dose allows for up to 4 doses of ZEMBRACE SymTouch in a 24-hour period, thus allowing dosing flexibility for patients."
ZEMBRACE SymTouch is available as a box of 4 autoinjectors.