A novel, low cost "Patient Transfer Device" has been developed under the Stanford India Biodesign (SIB) Programme by a multidisciplinary team of SIB fellows and interns comprising clinicians, engineers and designers under the guidance of faculty from All India Institute of Medical sciences (AIIMS). The SIB programme is a Med-Tech innovation programme of the department of Biotechnology, Ministry of science and technology, government of India implemented at AIIMS and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi in collaboration with the Stanford University, USA and Indo-US Sceince and Technology Forum, New Delhi. Biotechnology Consortium of India Limited (BCIL) has been engaged by DBT as the management agency of this programme.
Patient transfer device is an innovative device for effortless transfer of patient from one bed to other, without lifting the patient. It is a disposable fabric based solution that requires only one to two caregivers
and reduces transfer time directly by half. It also prevents injuries to the caretakers and patients. The device as compared to the existing devices is user friendly, low cost and can be used by untrained human resources. Dr. Mansi Agrawal, Mr Shitij Malhotra, Ms. Pooja Singh, Mr. Nishith Chasmawala, Mr. Amit Sharma, Dr Praveen Agarwal, AIIMS,Dr Shiv Chowdhary, AIIMS, Dr Mahesh Chandra Mishra, AIIMS and Dr Chandralekha, AIIMS are inventors for this invention.
An Indian complete patent application for the technology has been filed on 24th November, 2010. A functional prototype of the device has been developed by the team and validated independently at a few hospitals including AIIMS, Fortis and Nova hospitals. The updated prototype after incorporating the user feedback is being transferred to M/s MGM Associates. The commercialisation path for this device includes- independent evaluation for eliciting voice of customer (VOC's) within 4 months, followed by commercial launch in India within one year and reach out to more than 16 states in the country within two years time from the execution of license