Transasia Bio- Medicals Ltd., is a leader in the Indian Diagnostic Industry and provider of the highest quality products and services. With a wide array of products in specialities such as Biochemistry, Hematology, Diabetes Management, Coagulation, Critical Care, Electrophoresis, Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Diagnostics and Urine Analysis, Transasia offers Total Solutions in Clinical Diagnosis.Over a period of three decades, Transasia has set benchmarks by indigenously manufacturing and providing some of the latest and best technologies across the world. Through its active participation in various conferences and seminars, Transasia has always showcased its expertise.
The recently concluded 40th National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBICON) and 62nd Annual Conference of IAPM & Annual Conference of IAP-ID witnessed Transasia add five more gems to its already studded crown! Transasia launched the following five latest and technologically advanced instruments at the two conferences:
- XL 1000- Automated random access clinical chemistry analyzer with a throughput of 800 photometric tests/hr and 1120 tests/hr with ISE
- EM 180 Destiny- Fully automated, random access, discrete clinical chemistry analyzer with throughput of 180 photometric tests/ hr & 400 tests / hr with ISE (optional)
- Hb Vario- Fully Automated High Performance Liquid Chromatography Analyzer with HbA1c, HbA2/ F test
- Easylyte Xpand- The latest critical care analyzer offering Ca & Li parameters in addition to Na,K,Cl
- Laura M- Next generation urine analyzer with Microalbumin and Creatinine results in 60 seconds
At ACBICON, Dr. Arvind Lal, CMD of Dr. Lal Pathlabs inaugurated XL 1000 in the presence of some of the most reputed biochemistry experts of the country. At ACBICON, Swami Sarvalokanand Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission, Mumbai jointly inaugurated EM180 Destiny alongwith Dr. KP Sinha, the Past President and Chairman of ACBICON. While Dr. Praveen Sharma, Head- Biochemistry Dept., AIIMS Jodhpur inaugurated Laura M and Easylyte Xpand, Hb Vario was inaugurated by Prof. Venkatesh.
Infact the very first order for XL 1000 in India was placed right after the launch by Shyam Tyagi & Sunil Duggal- Founder Members, Wellness Pathcare, New Delhi.
Similarly, at APCON, Dr. K. S. Bhople, Dean, Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad inaugurated XL 1000 while Dr. Rajan Bindu, Head- Pathology and Org. Secretary- APCON inaugurated Laura M. HbVario was launched by Dr. Sujay Prasad- Director, Anand Diagnostics, Bangalore. Dr. Murtaza another Joint Secretary of IAPM, Aurangabad, launched Easylyte Xpand.
Keeping up to the spirit of the event, the experts from Transasia presented a scientific session on 'Update in automation of urine chemistry analyzer' and 'Launch of high speed biochemistry analyzers.' Our Global Product Manager, Dr. Pavel from Czech Republic gave the presentation at both the conferences.