Once the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) approved Covishield and COVAXIN, India initiated the world’s biggest vaccination drive. Along with the vaccination drive there were exports of both the approved vaccines to 95 countries. The exports began on January 20, 2021 with an initial supply of one and a half lakh doses (Covishield) to Bhutan which was followed by another supply of four lakh doses (Covishield) on March 21, 2021. The vaccines were exported with good intent and there cannot be two ways about it. Vaccines have been supplied to countries through grants (107.15 lakh doses), commercially (357.92 lakh doses) and through the COVAX programme (198.628 lakh doses). India, till date has supplied a total of 663.698 doses, till exports were put on hold by April 22, 2021 with a consignment of one lakh doses (grant) of COVAXIN to Paraguay. Exports have been stalled currently due to the shortage of vaccines in the country.
The shortage of vaccines in the country could have been managed in a better manner, it is easy to point fingers in hindsight, but quick decisions need to made in times of crisis considering the greater good.
Once the vaccines were approved, frontline workers were the first to get vaccinated, followed by the older population and then it transcended for everybody that was eligible for the vaccine (18 years and above). Once the vaccine drive commenced, reception was mixed and turnout was low. Eventually the drive began gathering steam. Demands for vaccine have seen an upsurge ever since. Supplies are limited and demands keeps surmounting by the day. All vaccine manufacturers are working overtime to meet demands and yet the demand is more than the supply that is available at hand.
Currently there a 17 vaccines that are being used for vaccination (with approval at least in one country) globally for vaccination against COVID-19, World Health Organization (WHO) has granted approvals to vaccines by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and Sinopharm for emergency use authorisation.
The Government of India is answerable to its citizens, but the fact that the world is in need of the vaccines cannot be overlooked. The human race in totality is in danger and this is not the time to be trivial. The war against this pandemic is beyond governments, borders and continents. Each and every human is in this together, to win this war mankind needs to stand united. India as a nation needs to reach out to the needy and help as much as possible.
Every organisation involved with the manufacturing of the vaccines, supply chain, approvals and delivery have been on their feet, they are all trying to fulfil the enormous demands of the vaccines. It isn’t going to be an easy task, there are several challenges. This isn’t the time to despair, Indians need to hold on tight, to see this pandemic through.
Indians need to pull themselves together and keep fighting. The country needs to reach out to those who really are in need, the nation needs to strengthen its vaccine manufacturing infrastructure by fast tracking it with immediate effect. The world needs India more than ever, India needs to answer the call of the world.