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A webinar on ‘The Element of Hope in the COVID Era: Oxygen’ was organised by the Indian Chest Society in association with CSIR-CMERI. Prof Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, was the Chief Speaker for the virtual event. The webinar was attended by panellists comprising Dr Deepak Talwar, Dr Neeraj Gupta, Dr Subhakar Kandi and Dr Dhrubajyoti Roy, all eminent pulmonologists and senior members of the Indian Chest Society. Dr D Behera, moderated the entire virtual panel discussion, on behalf of the Indian Chest Society.
Prof Hirani said that the CSIR-CMERI Oxygen Enrichment Unit (OEU) encompasses the functionality and goes beyond that of an oxygen concentrator. As part of this initiative, the technology has already been handed over to several MSMEs across India, who in turn will help in the diffusion of the technology.
CSIR-CMERI is working upon an advanced oxygen mask technology that will protect this transmission of viral load.
Dr Deepak Talwar, Specialist Pulmonologist and Member of the Governing Body of the Chest Society discussed pneumonia-related hypoxia and the existing and chronic respiratory issues.
Dr Neeraj Gupta, Senior Chest Specialist Physician and Member, Governing Body of the Chest Society shared his ideas on different delivery methods of oxygen at low flow and high flow rates.
Dr Subhakar Kandi, Senior Chest Specialist Physician and Member, Governing Body of the Chest Society said the CSIR-CMERI developed indigenous device is the need of the hour. He spoke on the mechanism of hypoxia and various types of masks used for oxygen therapy.
Dr DJ Roy, Senior Chest Specialist Physician and Member, Governing Body of the Chest Society discussed the sources of medical oxygen. Dr Roy talked about the different sources of oxygen in hospitals like pressurised oxygen cylinders, liquid oxygen, concentrators etc. He also mentioned some of the disadvantages of oxygen concentrators.
Dr D Behera, Specialist Pulmonologist and President, Indian Chest Society while moderating the discussion talked about the history and discovery of oxygen by Joseph Priestley and said that its importance has been recognised by everybody in the pandemic. Dr Behera stressed the need for educating society particularly the nursing staff about the innovations and technology diffusions. For this, he wished to arrange similar awareness programmes for the benefits of the nursing staffs and the MSME sectors.
A detailed panel discussion ensued among the above experts on the various aspects of oxygen technologies in the nation.