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Sabine Hospital, a Kerala-based in vitro fertilisation (IVF) hospital is all set to install a state-of-the-art machine which detects genetic diseases inside the womb. The machine, named Next Generation Sequencer (NGS) will be used to detect genetic diseases in foetuses. The NGS machine will be installed at the hospital as part of its mission to make advanced diagnosis and treatment affordable to the common people.
Sabine Hospital, which holds the highest success rate in IVF treatment in the country, holds the record of having the largest number of babies born through IVF every year.
Many diseases such as some cancers, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, down syndrome and turner syndrome can be addressed in the foetal stage itself with the help of the Next Generation Sequencer. The DNA samples of children born with IVF treatment are tested using the NGS machine to identify the risk factors and genetic abnormalities.
The new NGS machine will be installed in the recently launched genetics department. Along with this, foetal medicine department, which ensures health of the expectant mothers and their unborn babies and upgraded NICU have also been launched.
With a bed capacity of 50 and a NICU Level of 3, the state-of-the-art Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) ensures world class treatment for new born babies.