Dr Alok Adholeya, director, Biotechnology & Bioresources Division, The Energy and Reserach Institute
Q: Please tell us about the objectives behind organizing The International Conference on Mycorrhiza (ICOM) in India? What was the outcome?
Dr Adholeya: The ICOM is an event organized under the auspicious of International Mycorrhiza Society (IMS) after every 3rd year. The objective of this event is to have researchers from the Globe participate in this specialized event and deliberating on progress for knowledge sharing. For the first time India was chosen as a venue after stiff competition because the progress in India in this area has been outstanding and currently leading in commercial production technology of mycorrhizal fungi and its successful application in Agriculture and Plant Production.
Q:What are latest trends in Mycorrhiza technology? How is Indian bioscience industry benefitting from it?
The mycorrhiza technology, ofcourse, is a unique and major achievement of India and TERI. However, progress in other areas such as: Molecular diversity and fundamental understanding of symbiosis are also progressed very well. Indian researchers had the opportunity to learn about those progresses besides many other research activities through this conference.
Q: What is the market potential for this technology?
The market potential of mycorrhiza has been growing very significantly and in last 10 years within India the market share of mycorrhiza out of the total biofertilizer production in the country is approx. 25%, which is a significant and rapid progress due to the technology development. The Global market is also growing rapidly and India is currently contributing to more than 30% market share of North American product needs.
Q What has been the progress on the biodiesel research India? By when are the concrete outcomes expected to come?
The biodiesel research has been progressing on the research front. However, policy and programme of the Government has not made major progress and did not provided impetus to this area at the desired level. However, research progress is significantly satisfying.
Q: Which are the other technological areas that you are currently spearheading at TERI?
Currently spearheading some of the nano nutrient and seed coating technology of mycorrhiza and other beneficial organisms in order to achieve next level progress in the area of agriculture by providing value added seeds to farmers for sustainable plant productivity by reducing chemicals in agriculture.
Q: How do you look at the Indian Biotech industry in last one decade?
Indian Biotech Industries are progressing. However much rapid progress is needed. There is a wide gap between investment in research and development and its reflection through intellectual property penetration into commercial biotech sector. This need various approaches to bring these in coherence at the earliest.