Dr Prathap Reddy is a man on a mission: Dr Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

13 March 2014 | Features | By BioSpectrum Bureau

Dr Prathap Reddy is a man on a mission: Dr Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

A royal touch: (L-R) Mr Pranay Gupte, Dr Devi Shetty, Dr Prathap C Reddy, and Dr Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

A royal touch: (L-R) Mr Pranay Gupte, Dr Devi Shetty, Dr Prathap C Reddy, and Dr Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

The book was released in the presence of distinguished luminaries including Dr Devi Shetty, chairman, Narayana Health and Dr Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, CMD, Biocon.

Two years in the making, and penned by former New York Times journalist, Mr Pranay Gupte, read the epilogue and a short passage from the newly unveiled book. Later he was felicitated by Dr Reddy himself.

In his note, Dr Reddy opined, "What she (Dr Kiran Mazumdar) has done is outstanding and remarkable... We need to focus on the need to bring in the change... The world is going to lose 36 million people every year to non-communicable diseases... It is a crime to not to take care of yourself... When you set yourself with a purpose, nothing can stand against you..."

The 'HEALER' engages its readers with the biography of Dr Prathap Reddy, containing stories of his accomplishments, and traces his unbelievable journey from a small provincial town in Andhra Pradesh to Stanley Medical School, and his phenomenal success as a practicing cardiologist in the US, and his return to India at the age of 50, to bring medical care at par with the best.

In her applauded speech, Dr Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw said, "India is a very young nation. We have a number of pioneers who are nation builders, who have a sense of purpose coupled with a spirit of challenge, because India is not an easy country to pioneer in."


"He (Dr Reddy) is a man on a mission. He was the one who looked at Indian healthcare in a different way. Every pioneer looks at a challenge as an opportunity. Dr Prathap stands for professionalizing healthcare and making passionate business model. He has shown the way to the rest of the healthcare industry in terms of what can be done to make a difference. He transformed the healthcare landscape in India," expressed Dr Kiran.

Dr Kiran also shared that the government should ensure that every Indian has the right to healthcare, which is seen to be the next big challenge.

In several instances, the book also recalls the state of affairs of Indian healthcare sector in the last forty years, oven along with mammoth challenges faced by Dr Reddy during his journey.

In the book, Mr Gupte has also incorporated several interesting anecdotal stories, and twists and turns, narrating Dr Reddy's life story in a dramatic way.

Dr Kiran concluded by adding, "Dr Reddy's rich legacy are his daughters. His wife has been a great pillar of support for the whole family. Here is a man that we salute with great admiration and gratitude. Thanks to you Dr Reddy, because this country is a better place now."


Priced at INR 899.00, HEALER is available at leading bookstores, and also in shopping portals and online bookstores.

Product details:
Publisher: Portfolio (2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0670086800
ISBN-13: 978-0670086801



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