Rank 3
Agilent Technologies is one of the few players which has a complete portfolio of mass spectrometry techniques that spans the various application needs of the industry. In FY 2011-12, Agilent India's life sciences business is estimated to be Rs 365.7 crore as compared to `318 crore in FY 2010-11. Bulk of Agilent's Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis (LSCA) business comes from sale of its products and solutions to the pharma sector.
The expansion of LSCA Center of Excellence and the setting up of application development lab have helped it to accelerate the discovery of life science analysis work flows; both making it the largest research facility in the world.
The acquisition of Varian has broadened and strengthened Agilent's product portfolio. Similarly the decision to acquire Dako, a leading cancer diagnostics solution provider, has opened new avenues for the company.
Agilent signed a research sponsoring agreement with Amrita University for providing consumables valued at $10,000 and offers extensive service and support. The company along with Department of Science & Technology (Government of India) and Confederation of Indian Industry launched the third season of nationwide i3 innovation competition for all innovators.
Over the years, Agilent's mass spectrometry products have also seen a big jump in revenues. The company has introduced many new products including automated card extraction LC/MS system, a fully integrated instrument for analysis of dried blood spots and other dried media, integrated UHPLC-DAD system, and 2D-LC solution with highest resolution. The next generation Agilent 7100 Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) system has been claimed to provide at least 10 times more sensitivity than any other commercial CE instrument.
Its industry-bench marked 1200 series HPLC and 7890 GC have been the biggest revenue generators. Agilent's Rapid Resolution LC (RRLC), has been a big success in the pharma segment. Agilent also launched 6420 triple quadrupole LC/MS system, a replacement for the 6430 and 6460 systems. Besides that, the company recently introduced 6550i Funnel quadrupole time-of-flight chromatography mass spectrometry (Q-TOF LC/MS) system. The world's leading premier measurement company is expanding its thought leadership to introduction of new products and commiting to extensive research.