Chairman and Managing Director: M Prabhakar Rao
Rank 3
Undisputed leader in Bt cotton
Currently almost half (40-45 percent) of the total cotton production in the country can be traced to the cotton hybrids developed by Nuziveedu Seeds (NSL). This year, NSL launched two new Bt cotton products Sona and Surakhsha, both of which are suitable for varied agro-climatic zones of India.
The Bt cotton market is encountering a stagnation in the amount of area under cultivation. The total area decreased by 6 percent in 2012-13 as compared to the previous year. Regardless, this year, NSL strategically improved the sales of new promising hybrids like Uttam, Raghav, and Shalimar. Despite the fact that the area is set to reduce even further by 8-9 percent, NSL has plans in place to increase its cotton market share from 25 percent to 30 percent by introducing new varieties, creating and promoting a brand identity and having an exclusive marketing team dedicated to cotton only. Of all the hybrids approved by the GEAC, NSL has contributed to almost 16 percent. Today, it has 179 hybrids approved by GEAC till 2012 as against 1,128 total hybrids approved in India
NSL has been an early starter in entering into collaborations with state governments through PPPs. The Maharashtra government sanctioned a PPP project with NSL in 2012 to improve cotton productivity by 30 percent in the drought prone Vidarbha region, while covering around 10,000 acres. This project was found to be very successful with an average increase in yield by 50 percent, and in some cases up to a 100 percent increase. Due to this achievement, the same project is planned for this year as well, to cover a total of 20,000 acres.
In order to increase the per acre yield of crops, Nuziveedu Seeds has been taking up extension services to the farmers in big way. The state governments of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra have invited the company for a Public-Private partnership for its extension work which benefits more than two million farmers annually. In lieu of such activities, The Cotton Research and Development Association awarded Nuziveedu Seeds the Public Private Partnership-2012 award for its work in the seed industry.
Company: Nuziveedu Seeds
Business: Production and marketing of seeds
Revenue : 2013 `778.13 crore